
The cost of living in Buenos Aires

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We have a lot of inflation in argentina so by the time you read this it will probably be out of date.
  1)i will try to help as best i can with the expat list.FOOD AND BERVERAGES Supermarkets are very cheap espcially for beers and wines. They also offer big discounts on certain days if you pay by credit card.
   2)ACCOMMODATION. The cheapest way to stay in buenos aires is to rent an can rent a fully furnished apartment from between about U$S700 upto u$s5000 per month. Depemding on your taste and budget.All bills included. I would reccomend but there are many others.
   3) PUBLIC TRANSport is very cheap. The subway is 30cents u$s for a journey of any distance.Buses are equally as cheap but a little bit dificult if you don´t know the city too well.A return train ticket to tigre is less than u$s1 for a journey of more than 20miles each way.If staying in the city you really won´t need a car. The public transport is that good. Plus finding a place to park a car is a bloody nightmare and becomes expensive.
   4)UTILITYS BILLS if you rent a furnished apartment all the bills will be included. Sometimes the owner puts a limit on the bills just to remind the tenant to turn off the ac when they go out.But most bills are inexpensive in comparison to the US and Europe.
    5) INCOME TAX now thats a grey area. Argentina is the biggest black economy i have ever seen.So people are paid a certain amount in cash some in vouchers and some is taxed, it really is a different answer for every person.MEDICAL INSURANCE We are a family of four and pay u$s300 per month for very good quality medical insurance.SCHOOLS Public education is not great here so its best to pay and go private. Buenos aires is awash with bilingual fee paying schools and they are very cheap in comparison to europe or the states. Starting prices are from about u$s200 amonth but can go much higher.NURSERYS care is about u$s200 for 3 hrs per day per month.
6) ENTERTAINMENT AND RESTAURANTS IN BUENOS AIRES are as good as any place you will ever visit.Very affordable with loads of choice.many tango shows theatres and operas and thousands of great restuarants.

See also

Living in Buenos Aires: the expat guideAdvice for Bilingual private school for 14 years old (Buenos Aires)Sending parcels to ArgentinaPolo experienceHow to Seek a Tutor/TourGuide from UBA

Hi Windy, thank you very much for this useful information. :) Maybe, you could write some other articles about life in Argentina in the participative guide. This will definitely help others who want to come to Argentina. ;)

Thank you.
Best regards,


The public transport is definitely a plus. It's not always reliable, but it's definitely really cheap. If you ever are going anywhere in the evening on the Subway, wait to ride until about 10 or 10:15 p.m., right before it closes. You can ride free that way. Ha! :-) Hey, it's 1.10 ARS.. haha.. I know, I know.. I'm a cheapskate... :P Boo! hehe


I would avoid taking advice from posters who link to businesses, particularly apartment rental companies as they are known for spamming the forums.

For example, I find it interesting that the original post here links to an apartment rental company; a high percentage of the post is about apartments (if you include the mindless section on utilities); and the apartment rental price quotes is way outside the norm for what a person should spend. 

A really nice 1 bedroom apartment can be found for around USD600 to USD700 and not the USD1000 quoted.  I am living with someone who owns their place, so rent is not an issue.  However 6 months ago I was renting a huge furnished apartment for USD800 a month: a 2 huge 2 bedroom with a balcony and a private terrace that was the same size as the entire apartment.  The doorway to the balcony and all the windows had electric motors (none of those chains or straps); the kitchen was modern with an imported German oven/stove that even had the temperatures listed on the oven dial (a rarity here in BsAs)......

It was amazing and falls way below the prices listed in this thread.

In any case, I would certainly avoid the website listed in the post if those are the price scale they are offering.


WynnWoods, thank you a lot
Your post helps to have a real view on things


thanks kind
your post is helpful here


Thank you WynnWoods!


The cost of living in Argentina is high when you are used to the standards in the US or Europe.
Example a 46 LCD TV cost here abour 5000USD and in the states 600USD.
Import taxes are skyhigh!!in order to protect local factories wich sells some cheaper but with a hughe downgrade in quality.
Same for household ware, all tech like computers and yes even cars are very expensive!!
Inflation on daily goods such as bread,milk,meat raised more then 30%!!!


hi everyone
do you think I can find a room in buenos aires with 100 euros per month?


Hi nasimf64,

I suggest you post an ad in the Housing in Buenos Aires section and you can even browse and compare prices as well :)

Note that this post is a bit old. I hope you get a reply :/

Thank you

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