Studying Spanish in Buenos Aires

Updated 2009-08-26 11:57

Hi, my name's Bruce and I was born in Michigan. All my life I wanted to learn the Spanish language and I was told by almost everyone I knew that studying abroad was the way to do that. So I started saving up by the time I got my first summer job at the age of 17.

I saved up the necessary amount and set flight towards the city of Buenos Aires. It arose my interest due to all the culture, colors, and diversity it has and also because they speak Spanish :P I went to South America with Spanish School called Expanish. They arranged the accommodation during my time there. I got to stay with an argentine family and that's where I practiced most of the Spanish I learnt in my classes.

I can't stress enough the importance of learning a language in a city that speaks it as a native tongue. I know a lot of classmates y friends back at home that know advanced Spanish from studying at school, but now that I hear their voices through computer voice chats I can tell their accent sounds nothing like a native :)
So that's my story. I've been living in Buenos Aires for a bit over 3 years now and I'm loving it more and more every day. Sure, I miss home sometimes... but studying abroad has become a very important part of my life and I would do it again and re live the experience if I could go back in time.

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