Import clothes from turkey any help

I would like to import women's clothes from turkey to egypt can any one help me by names of manufactures there i can contact?

I would like to help for it.I could support you for this business and ı can do shuttle trade(have experienced between Turkey and a foreign country before)ı could prepare for you catalogues and talk on skype also ,we can start a business between here to Egypt.Im  Turkish business lady.

to get clothes is not hard but u will find some proplem when u shiped to egypt i try to do that ome year ago and find its hard or expensive for that  want ask about price and how much for one kile and which company can send it to egypt befor you  get ant clothes

Are you still interested in importing ? Could you find anything  ? İ can be a good help to you , just leave your number or call on this number**

Moderated by Gavind 9 years ago
Reason : avoid posting your personal contact details on the forum for security measures.

Hello doo6687,

i would suggest that you drop advert or browse the adverts there in our classifieds section, kindly refer to the link below.

> Business partners classifieds in Turkey


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