
Move to Cuba

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Hello, I was curious, my soon to be finance will be getting his passport in Cuba this June. Where can he travel to look for work? He is young 27, works in hotel chains. Where could we have a future? Could he travel to Italy with me? I am going to Cuba to meet his family and see the life there. Can someone tell me, is 12  days is enough time, or go 21 days. We are getting engaged, I'm staying in a casa. But how much is food per day ? Also, even if I marry him, I can only buy a house if I'm full time living there to have the house in my name. Is it risk to buy a apt for him to live n I travel 3 weeks a month cuz of my work in Canada. . ..?

See also

Living in Cuba: the expat guidehow long can I stay in cuba if I am a US Citizen?Marriage and life in HaBanaGetting married in CubaRecognition of foreign qualifications in Cuba

Hi Mycubanlove,

welcome to!

A new topic has been created with your post on the Cuba forum.

Wish you all the best.


If I had a dollar for ever woman that has bought a casa there only to lose it a few months later id be a rich man..

Its very expensive for a yuma to live in Cuba.... The money only flow one way there mi amor...Your boyfriend works in hotels so be careful as new plane lands everyday.


Do u have to be married to buy a casa. If so doesn't both names go on the casa. I know I can not buy unless I'm married. He is in the army now. Where could we start a life? What country? I don't know if I will bring him to Canada, mayne a visit. That takes one year to get a visitor visa. If it passes? Starting to feel a lost situation. Thanks.

Dave Healy

I got married to a Cuban last year. We are still in the process of getting here papers to come to Canada. 3 times her visitors visa was denied. I later found out 95% of visitors visas get denied.
We are also considering buying a house in Cuba. It will be in both our names but in the event of a split, the house would be hers. You need to be realistic about the possibility and if you want to risk it.
I have found Cuba expensive for groceries and restaurants for the most part.
I wish you luck in your adventure.


Hi there. I've done a lot of research. Cubans never get visitor visa prior to marriage. Can u tell me if that was prior or after?  3 times is omg.... ! N have u thought to go to Ecuador with her. U can get a apt $200 a month, Brand new. Help her find work, why not go back n forth.

Dave Healy

2 visas were denied prior to getting married, one after. I am now going through the sponsorship process. I have been approved by CIC, now the application is at the embassy in Havana.
We got married at a resort in Varadero. My wife lives in Havana. We have stayed in a hotel, resort and Casa's. I prefer a casa with a kitchen. Now when I go I just get my wife to book th casa since most can't be found on the Internet.
I may look at Equador before making my move to semi retire. I want her here first for awhile.
I've gone through the process to marry a Cuban, sponsor a Cuban and now trying to get her here.
It's not easy, it tedious and can get expensive.

Dave Healy

I go to Cuba every couple of months.


Dave r u saying even if your married..... The casa would be hers ...? Did u have a prenup in Canada???!!!!


I know totally what u are going though n I've told him there is no way of a visitor Visa before or after marriage. Thanks Dave...I'm glad I asked. I am not sponsering anyone. Why would I want them to come here. If they split give half your house, condo etc. Car....unless did a prenup priors has to be English n Spanish.

Dave Healy

Yes. Be very careful. Many Cubans just want out. I've met many people that have been taken advantage of, but I've also heard of many people taking advantage of Cuban people knowing they want out.
I email my wife everyday, sometimes they bounce back then I resend them. She often does have a bad connection, but we get through.
He seems to be pushing pretty fast. After first meeting my now wife, I went back after 2 months. I met many of her family. I was very cautious. I look for signs. We were together over a year before getting married.
I do have a prenuptial to protect my assets. Canada has become a lot more strict and in the event of a divorce within a certain amount of time she would be sent back to Cuba.
Yes. If you buy a place it becomes theirs in event of a split. Only nationals can own property.

Dave Healy

You can email me if you like. I'm no expert, but can explain my process.


Well no he is reasoning with me about ecadour... We will go visit in Aug. I'm meeting his family very soon. About 2 weeks ( we email everyday) I'm starting to have bad dreams and bad feeling deep down. Like this is impossible?  What are the signs!?what signs do I look for when around his family? Then I'm coming back to reflect ..I  told him tonight...I want to wait one year for marriage and my family needs 6 months notice to come to the wedding. I want this to be legait. So yes prenuptial agreement! Does she get anything prior to how many years!!??? If she splits???

Dave Healy

I find a big sign is trying to push things too fast. I'd say trust your gut instincts. Cubans are very charming and friendly so it's sometimes hard to tell. You need the year to look for any changes in the charming personality. The more you're together, the harder it would be to maintain if not sincere.
Our prenup is in both English and Spanish and witnessed by 2 of her cousins that are fluent in both languages. Basically in the event of a divorce, I keep everything I had before the marriage and she keeps what she had and we split what we aquire together. Canadian laws now are big at protecting that as well.

Dave Healy

If you're not willing to sponsor him, maybe that's a sign not to get married either. Why get married? You can live together in Equador.


Your absolutely right!! I don't want to sponsor cuz  my father won't premit anyone coming here....and dare split my assets that father worked his whole life?
I agree, I can live with him first to see if there is a future with one month -two months...Than u really no a person. It may not be roses or what i want in the end. . I do not want to support a man. I could be back here. N chalk it up for experience and a nice long vacation. I'm starting to get my answers.... Cuz  know three months searched everything. I sent u email. I cant sponsership. Maybe in 10years. But why would I do that ..I don't plan in staying in Canada anyway. I'm moving to Europe. In 10 years maybe it will be differ n Cubans can go to the states.... And bye bye.

Thanks dave.

Dave Healy

Glad I could help. I personally have no regrets, but I know many that have.
Good luck.


I've talked to experts who work for the embassy of Toronto! He said the same thing!!! Why get married to him legally....if u have alot of money here.... I can do a symbloic wedding....and move with him to Equador.... Then.. see after few years build trust and see where life takes us. Keep me updated after she gets here. I would like to hear a successful story....since I've talked to people perhaps one .....good luck too....

Dave Healy

Ok. Will do. :-)



I suggest that you take your time to know him and his family.  I will not buy a house in anybody's name, even if he is your fiancé.  My friend was very in love with her ex Cuban boyfriend and bought and gave him the money to buy a house and she planned to move to Cuba to live with him.  Instead of buying a house with the money she gave him, he spent the money buying a car for himself and repairing his grandmother's house and parties for cousins etc.....In the end, no house, no relationship and they separated just after one year of dating. 

You need to be very careful with Cuban men, infidelity is common there.  Cubans tend to fall in and out of love rather quickly and separation/divorces rates are high.  Also, Cuban men are from another planet, they are very strong will and rebellious.  They often like to do whatever they want, they will be there for you when they finish their priorities but they expect you to be there for them all the time.  Please think carefully.

All the best,


WoW... :/ You are asking alot of questions jumbled together...Let me try & answer...Stay 21 days, If getting married in your homework...You must have proper papers in order to get married in Cuba in order to make it a legal marriage in eyes of Embassy for later when you file for Marriage Visa back in Italy,Remember you can also apply for Fiance Visa & get married in Italy after he gets approved. The Embassy can always deny or refuse to give him a Visa...they have FINAL say so. Last....If you give your Fiance or husband money for an apt. to buy..I believe it can only be in his name..unless you legally live in Cuba. Nothing is easy..but you may have better luck than us. It's complicated...but we're going on 5yrs of trying the legal way & I am in the U.S.


Hi everyone. I have been to Cuba more than 30 times and trust me or my friends that have travel many more times than me (we LOVE Cuba Island & the People) you can stay for 30 days but when I want or need to stay longer I go to the Embassy on my 25th day before my visa expires and ask for an extension. 30 days more is the max. They do ask questions? Why and where? But just answer the truths. Have to pay a fee. Don't forget to change your flight and pay a fee or buy another flight.
Anything else just reply. I will answer a.s.a.p.


Hi! Thanks for your post! Do you know if it is mandatory that I get my documents stamped by the Embassy in the U.S. in order to get married in the Cuba? We already tried the Fiance Visa...long story...but we decided to do the Marriage Visa this 2nd time.
I already sent my docs to the Embassy here in the U.S. & followed their instructions & after 5 months they returned it all. They said Iover paid & that my cashiers check should have been a postal money order. I changed my plane ticket 3 times waiting for docs, then went ahead & went to Cuba & spent Christmas with my Fiance in Cuba 30 days Dec. 2015. Some personal medical & family issues happened to me since then which forced me to wait to re-send. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Hello Dave

I would like to speak to you. I have sent you an email as well. I need information on prenupital agreement.



Hello Dave

I would like to know which lawyer assisted you with completing prenupital. Please message me or email me s***

Thanks and regards

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