
Dilemma: shipping 4x4 car of buying 4x4 in Ethiopia

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Dear all,

My boy friend and are busy with opportunities to work and live in Addis for a while. We would like to have a care there, also to make some trips to the rest of Ethiopia and East Africa during holidays.
We are currently looking at old 4x4 in which you also can sleep. Cars that we like are for instance: Nissan Patrol 2.8 GR long, Toyota Landcruiser HJ61 or Toyota Landcruiser HDJ80 (HZJ 80).
In Europe (Netherlands) you can find these cars for 5000 to 8000 euro. But then you have to arrange a lot of things: ship the car, import it (or use a carnet de passage?) etc. On Ethiopian websites (e.g. the same type of cars are more than double in price. We wonder if the prices on these websites are representative for the prices of cars in Ethiopia.
What we should do: buy a 'cheap' car in Europe and ship it to Ethiopia or take the risk and hope that we can buy the same type of car in Ethopia for a reasonable price. I hop you can give us some suggestions and tips! Thanks!

See also

Living in Addis Ababa: the expat guideTaxi thieves at Bole International AirportBringing a car to EthiopiaTransporting trucks from the Netherlands to EthiopiaHow/can I bring my car from UK to Ethiopia with me?
Mick H

The car prices here are very high, also the condition of lots of used cars is very poor. The roads are bad on car wear and the smaller car repair shops are not skilled/kitted out for these repairs, therefore always carry out a thorough check before parting with your money.


I have a landrover 110 with a  clean new engine and it is ready for off road adventures Price is 350.000 etb
0911208141 jay


If you ship in a car you will pay massive import duty.
possibly ship one in for 6 months as a tourist?
Car prices here are crazy. We own a 24 yr old Hi luxe.
bought it for 120 birr, now worth double that.


I am looking for a four wheel drive for a nurse and midwife working in ET.
Is your Landrover still for sale. If yes where do you get the spare parts from?
Thanks for replying


Nonovision wrote:

I am looking for a four wheel drive for a nurse and midwife working in ET.
Is your Landrover still for sale. If yes where do you get the spare parts from?
Thanks for replying

Also read through the cars for sale in the classified section of the forum which can be found in the green banner at the top of this page.


Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
Reason : Sharing of external commercial links not allowed.

hi , BBC recently was reporting in business Africa that the tax will double the original price to bring from Europe, i suggest you  have to see all the pros & cons from some one who brought  from Europe before you decide .

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