
Medical Certificate to Oman expired

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Anand Ranju

Hello everyone,
I am waiting for a Labour visa from Muscat,Oman. I have taken the medical certificate and have submitted the same to the company for Visa Processing. So my doubt is my medical certificate expires on Jan 27th 2015. So could anybody please let me know whether there is any issues with that, ie; is there any restrictions that I need to  reach Muscat before 27th Jan 2015, if I didnt recieved my visa by jan 27th is there a need for me to take a new Medical Certificate from my country.

See also

Medical Fitness Testing for Oman employmentChanging old company name to new company in family visaOman Certificate of Good Standing and QualityOpening nurseryDeported last 2017

Hi have you arrived to Oman already.... What's the answere  of your queries . because samething happen to me ... My medical already expired today but I haven't receive my employment visa yet... Kindly advice me  as well base on your experienced thank you.



I have sent my medical on Oct 21 2015 to Oman, after which my employer said he will inform me once my labor clearance is done..normally medical validity is of 3 months and my medical expiry date was 11 Jan 2016....however I received my visa on 14 Feb 2016....though I'm not sure when the medical should be submitted i.e at the time of labor clearance or at the time of applying for visa.

If there is any problem I'm sure your employer will inform you.


Thank you dear, yeah my employer told me to wait for their update if I have to do re medical or not.. The problem was the recruitment agency in Philippines just sent my medical last 3rd week of march 2016 and my employer received it last 24 of March 2016 and my employer  told they applied it rightaway as soon as they received my original authenticated  med cert .now my med already expired this day April 4 2016  until now I haven't receive my visa yet..  The problem is the recruitment agency in Philippine did not sent it to Oman since I gave it to them last Feb 26 2016 that's why...It makes me worried about it...


If your employer submitted your documents as stated by you then I think you should not worry and wait for the approval....mine took four months for the visa to be of luck


Dear i hope you dont mind?Which sector your working? Why it takes that long .thanks ....


Currently I'm in Saudi and will be travelling to Oman in 10 days....normally the delay is getting the labor clearance as I came to know through this forum and also in my case.... For me the labor clearance took nearly 4 months...once your employer gets labor clearance getting a visa is a matter of one week.

For getting labor clearance there is no time can be from one month to six months to one depends upon your company influence in ministry of manpower and of course the proper documentation!!


you just tell to your company
they will tell what to do
u nothing to do without inform them


My company aware about it... And told me they will do their best about it. And inform me I'll wait their update .if I need to do remedical again or not...the thing is they just started my attestation last 27 of march 2016 and my medical was expired April 4 2016. I'm just worried if others no conflict in applying my visa since my med has already meet the deadline. And until this day I haven't receive my visa yet.?


you just have to wait for them
beucase they applying your visa so they what things required they will inform you
its depend on company how they will do
if they have already appoved visa application
so nothing u can do just wait

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