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In my opinion it is quite difficult finding original stuff here. Please contribute with ur knowledge regarding shops selling original items all around the country. Feel free to ask about whatever item, hopefully we shall get answers.
I will start, so can anyone recommend a place selling original perfumes and eau de toilette? The numerous ones so far smell no longer than a minute. Among them even expensive ones! Thanks in advance.
try this....
Count your blessings that you're not here in Brazil. This country is famous for it's fake, counterfeit and knock-off products. Everything from CDs and DVDs to designer jewelry is sold on every street corner. I'm sure if you purchased a Zebra here you'd have to take it to a vet to make sure you didn't purchase a black horse with white stripes painted on it.
James Expat-blog Experts Team
Thanks mohdq, funny just now a relative advised me the same address in addition to using oils instead of perfumes with same smell!
Thanks James, but from what u tell.it.seems.that I am.already in.Brazil The only difference they wouldn't sell a black.Horse with stripes from.the.beginning.as.a.Zebra, they would first make sure one doesn't know.the difference , then u would get a black horsed Zebra
If you dont trust the companies here, why shouldn't you buy it in your home land, and let it shipped to you here?
So you get an 100% original....
mohdq2002 wrote:If you dont trust the companies here, why shouldn't you buy it in your home land, and let it shipped to you here?
So you get an 100% original....
I have been thinking ofcourse to get everything from abroad, ordered a couple of things in the past, but would not recommend it anymore since customs are too heavy here with no reasonable explanation... A camera bag did cost.me.more customs than its price for example, taking into consideration the bag was not cheap! I dont have to.mention how big or better to say small memory cards are, and even for these one pays lots of customs ... A original.perfume costs at least JD 30 abroad. I would probably pay double.here for.one single.bottle. And this is just a estimation!
As for places at the malls prima, I have not tried them all but tried one. The smell did not last long Price: JD 50!!
Try Vavavoom Taj Mall,i Purchase some of my Perfume from there,the rest of it i Bought them from Duty Free shop
If I am not satisfied with the oil suggestion, i'll give Kate's vavavoom a try.
Thanks all for replies so far
Yes...I recommend Vavavoom for Perfumes & Cosmetics,and try also STORIA in Baraka Mall
Being into fashion, I noticed the fake handbags, some of which are painfully obvious and fugly. No idea about perfumes, sorry.
You can find Original perfumes at specific places,do not buy Perfume thru Online,Poor quality,and not even close to Original.
Can anyone recommend suitable Cheese for Pizza? We make Pizza at home just like bread cos it's more delicious but the mozzarella ( not even close to the original ) which is recommended is simply tasteless! Maybe I should use slices? But what kind of cheese? Thanks
As a matter of fact mozzarella doesn't have much taste. If I buy this cheese, it will be at Carrefour. Sometimes they sell also the variant of buffelo but it's more expensive but the best.
As a substitute I use shredded " mozzarella" from Sunbulah, melt well and there is some kind of taste. Never ever buy proceed cheers. This is not cheese, just weird kind of yellow or white plastic.
Thanks, I will try the mentioned quality though I was hoping for suggestions other than the mozzarella sold here... I like the original very much added salt, tomatoes and a bit of olive oil. Don't like the buffalo mozz. much and even less after its issue once in the west ...
Not every product comes from China, I see many products from Europe as well. Just depend on the commercial interests of the government. For example the butter,the cheese and other dairy from Emborg and Forsana. Its form Denmark but taste rubbish. The make Gouda cheese and Italian parmesan and its a disgrace for the original products. And then the American products! Most people think: "oh, its an American brand so it must be good".
But it isn't always the case.
Almost everything is based on the American lifestyle: the Malls, the widen streets, the trees on the pavement, the way how the houses are build (from the front door you step right in the living room), the furniture, even the electrical outlets.
But I see also that much more is available than a couple of years ago, more better products. And yes, it has its price tags but it depends totally on you if you buy it or not.

save your money ..buy only what you need and purchase things that you really want from Europe or the US. I dicovered that the US has the best products in the world, I am talking quality and price. Everything is fake here and if it is not. then it is inferior in quality. Someone, a local told me a funny story. He said, he once piurchased a tuna can from some store, when he went home, he noticed that:
US AID - From the American People --- was printed on the can!!!!
How did it make to store, that is he $64K question!!!
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