
Malta&Tax And Salary Calculator

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Hope this is helpful for people.

Cheers MC

See also

The tax system in MaltaWhere is the best place to pay my UK wage taxes?Non residents income tax filingDo pensioners from UK have to pay Tax on their Pension in Malta ?Tax return for non dom


Thanks for the link - couple of thoughts, which perhaps those more knowledgeable might expand on for me please.

I don't have paid employment on Malta - but, maybe one day!

First, I take it the NI is the lowest you could pay? I understand you can voluntarily pay higher (presumably in the hope of a better pension? Or some other benefit?).

Secondly - I'm not sure the calculator takes into account the amount you can earn before paying any tax (which I thought was 8,500 Euro).

Lastly - I thought the tax rate for the default level (18,000 Euro) would be at 15%.

I thought I'd take a look at the link as my other half has just had telephone interviews today for 2 jobs - both at 18000 Euro's coincidently. I had calculated almost exactly the same take home pay but for different reasons and taking into account the items mentioned in my questions. So, I guess there are many roads that lead to Rome (or Valletta in our case!)

Have a great weekend  :)

New Horizonz

Hi Matt,

I am not more knowledgeable but here is the official income tax rate.

NI is nominally 10%. with a cap: you don't pay more than the cap

Income tax in Malta is progressive. That means you nothing on a portion of your income, and then the tax rate increases in bands. The exact tax you pay is calculated based on your income level.

At €18000 tax is 25% but you don't pay 25% tax on of the full amount.

New Horizonz

I have a question of my own about NI

For a very low income of €1684 pa, NI = 0
For a very low income of €1685 pa, NI = €795.36

Is this right?

Thank you in advance for shedding light.


For anybody who is gonna check the salary with this calculator: the rates applied are for 2015, not 2014! So your current tax maybe higher (we'll have lower income tax next year).

Also I found a difference of €30 in tax for married rate, but it's immaterial anyway

New Horizonz

This calculator doesn't seem to work right! Earning €1 extra shouldn't result in nearly €800 in NIC bill...

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