
Life in La Reunion

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Hi. I have just moved to St Pierre with my family and now having settled in,I am looking for work.I am a qualified chef and was wondering if there are any possibilities for working as a private chef?? I used to have my own business with my wife(who is French) in the UK for 12 years(gastro-pubs),so have plenty of experience.
Am I the only "ros bif" in St Pierre?? My French is very basic which is terrible because I have been with my wife for nearly 20 years! Even my two boys are French speakers. It would be nice to meet any expats or English speakers to do a little networking!!??
Maybe I should open a little kiosk selling English foods???
Look forward to hearing from someone.


See also

Living in Reunion Island: the expat guidePrivate carer/aide domicile 30yrs experienceSocial work - what are the opportunities?Working permitTeaching english to children and adults in Reunion

hi neill

No you're not the only "rosbiff around here.... for i know about 10 english speakers and maybe 3 ""rosbiff".

yes, shame on you!!! you should have learned more French by her side! but i do understand that it isn't so easy!!

i think it could be a good idea to sell English foods i... i mean a place where people  could eat and drink and speak a little English without paying !

wish you and your family a welcome and if ever you wanted to meet other English speakers we could share our assets !!! :top: