Yellow Fever Vaccine

Just wanted to let anyone traveling to TZ know that at the Arusha, KLM airport they are really checking for the yellow fever vaccine. They said that they don't care what the Government website says, that you should have it when you arrive here, no matter where you have traveled from. And of course if you don't have it then they want to give you the shot or charge you money. For one person I know it was $25 usd, but they seem to make it what ever price they want at that moment. And as far as I know, there isn't any outbreaks of yellow fever anywhere.

That is one frustration about living here, the police/Gov. can choose when a law is a law and when it isn't. You never actually know what the True law is.

Has anyone else had any problems related to the yellow fever vaccine?

I have had similar experiences at JNIA, Dar es Salaam but I have always gotten away with arguing that I am a Tanzanian resident and that travels out of the country which last less than a few weeks would really not have got me infected with yellow fever.

The truth is that I got the YF shot about 8 years ago and I somehow lost the card.

You will be quarantined in any Aussie Airports if u don't have a yellow fever vaccination (travelling from most of the African countries). I think this applies to other European countries. So, the best is to get vaccinated prior to leaving ur home country. This last for 10 years.

In India ( New Delhi ) it charged me mere 6 $ ( apprx. )

Yes, the first thing Airport official at Dar checked was Yellow Fever Vaccine proof when we arrived from New Delhi, India. We really thanked our stars that day to have come prepared for such a situation.....otherwise have fallen pray to their mercy!!!! Gud that u have shared ur experience with all of us which made me write these lines. Chow!!1

I had my Yellow certificate in my bag but they didn't even ask for it. They couldn't care less. Very smooth. No problem what so ever. I arrived in Dar.

Just smile and say: Mambo! Habari? :)