Young Adult interested in "moving" to Jamaica

Hello Hello!

Let me begin by introducing myself, my name is Avi and i want to live in Jamaica indefinitely.

My situation here in the US is great! I just feel that i need to be doing more with LIFE. Currently i am in a well paying job and life is....well, the same everyday.

That is what i am striving to get away from, not a day goes by where i wish i was somewhere else. This is why i have chosen to head to Jamaica. I have been there once prior in 2004 with my family and we stayed at FDR in Runaway Bay, that trip changed my life. I realize that resort life and real life in JA is completely different and that is what i want to experience.

Now my question is this; where do i start?

My goal is to be out of the USA by December 2010! I have begin saving up and just need to get started with the planing and logistics of it.

Any help at all will be so greatly appreciated, i cant wait to begin this journey.

Thanks!!!! :D

Im only I really dont know what to tell you about starting should try to find a Job first before coming here though,unless you dont plan on working anytime soon.Once you have good qualifications you sould be ok though:)Im Jamaican and I must say that I am delighted that you have such a great interest in our island!!!!:)
Island life is very relaxing...
you go to work..go home..chill nothing(unless u live in the city).beach on weekends,parties all day and night if you are a party person.Its an amazing place to be.Once you have some money,a roof over your head and you are in a safe then you will absolutely love it!
Kingston is our you will find clubs,fast food restaurants and anything that goes with city life.Its where most people go to find jobs but if you want a more relaxed life..take a look at the rural areas.I am from one of the rural areas..close to ochi rios.The best rural areas i think are st.mary,st.ann and portland.they havegreat beaches,its most times nice and windy with lush vegetation.It also rains everyday after 2pm during the summer:)
    The weather pattern constantly changes.It gets hot but not humid.
        Im currently an international student in college and I look forward to each and every holiday when i get to go home:)I cannot wait to finish my degree and go back and start life there again:)Its such an amazing place to be.

Hi Avi -

I'm currently living in Montego Bay, Jamaica and life can be really good here.  Moving here will depend on what you want.  The pace is slower than you might be used to but that again will depend on where you are from.

Jobs can are easier to find if you have sound qualifications but getting a work permit is not an easy process! 

There are tons of great places to live in around Montego Bay and lots to do if you like the beach/outdoors. 

Let me know if you need some specific info and I will be happy to help!


hey there, let me tell you that what people say about moving to ja is often not true!

I am a canadian with a jamaican husband and son and have lived in mobay, my daughter also went to school down there.  If you want to speak further about this, my name is Lisa and you can contact me directly.  I would be happy to let you know everything I know - from one foreigner to another!!!!! You can reach me at  looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi there,

I agree with japrincess, she's right on! Jamaican myself. You definitely need to have sufficient money to enjoy the good life, resorts! I love our Jamaican resorts. Beaches! Foooooddd! Good party vibe! IRIE!!! Everytime I head back to Jamaica I go for a weekend trip. I've been to Fiji, Cancun, Zanzibar, Australia's Surfer's Paradise (Gold's Coast) and Bondi beach, Thailand's beaches, nothing to compare! If you have at least JMD $100,000 per month to spare then you can definitely live comfortably and enjoy JA to di max!!!

I've replied to another post about estimated cost of living in Jamaica, you can check it out.


japrincess wrote:

Im only I really dont know what to tell you about starting should try to find a Job first before coming here though,unless you dont plan on working anytime soon.Once you have good qualifications you sould be ok though:)Im Jamaican and I must say that I am delighted that you have such a great interest in our island!!!!:)
Island life is very relaxing...
you go to work..go home..chill nothing(unless u live in the city).beach on weekends,parties all day and night if you are a party person.Its an amazing place to be.Once you have some money,a roof over your head and you are in a safe then you will absolutely love it!
Kingston is our you will find clubs,fast food restaurants and anything that goes with city life.Its where most people go to find jobs but if you want a more relaxed life..take a look at the rural areas.I am from one of the rural areas..close to ochi rios.The best rural areas i think are st.mary,st.ann and portland.they havegreat beaches,its most times nice and windy with lush vegetation.It also rains everyday after 2pm during the summer:)
    The weather pattern constantly changes.It gets hot but not humid.
        Im currently an international student in college and I look forward to each and every holiday when i get to go home:)I cannot wait to finish my degree and go back and start life there again:)Its such an amazing place to be.

Hi There,

was so happy to see your post, I was wondering if you still live in Jamaica?

Hello there Rockso,

This thread is from 2010, if you want to get better chances of getting a reply, it will be better to post on more recent threads of the Jamaica forum.

All the best,

Thanks I'm still trying to navigate around so I don't really know what I'm doing to get any reply's.

ANy luck???

Hi there I am in the same dilemma you were in, so did you ever move to Jamaica and if you did can you help me I don't know where to start, my family is moving to Jamaica and I feel like I'm sitting in quick same please help ***

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