I am a U.S. citizen who is strongly considering to moving to the Cayman Islands for work. I have a background in marketing and graphic design. From reading blog posts, Ive learned it is almost impossible for foreigners to get hired without working with a staffing agency. Can anyone suggest a staffing agency for me to work with?
Hi Gordon Barlow > and what was the answer please?
This man's question on the British Expats site was I am a U.S. citizen who is strongly considering to moving to the Cayman Islands for work. I have a background in marketing and graphic design. From reading blog posts, I've learned it is almost impossible for foreigners to get hired without working with a staffing agency. Can anyone suggest a staffing agency for me to work with?
My answer to him was Google has plenty of links., and I signed off with my blogsite address in case he had any further questions. It is obviously the same man. I think posters to any web-forum ought to do at least a minimal search on Google before asking for help. What do other EB-ers think?
Gordon, I appreciate your response to my question. I HAVE performed a Google search. I know the names of staffing agencies in the Cayman Islands. What I am trying to get are individual's personal experiences. I apologize that I didn't more clearly ask my initial question.