
Graphic design

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Hello I'm looking for graphic design work in cayman, does anyone know of any companies or anyone looking for designers? I'm currently living in England but looking to locate to the island. My brother lives there so I will be moving in with him and have a vehicle to get around the island.

I am an award winning graphic designer with over 15 years advertising, marketing pr, print and web design experience. I am very creative hard working, outgoing and social, I would fit in really well with any team.

I have a PDF portfolio of some of my work and a cv/resume that can easily be forwarded on.

My email address is

Any advice is welcome.
Many thanks in advance.

See also

Job offers in the Cayman IslandsLiving in the Cayman Islands: the expat guideJob enquiries in Cayman.Job in Cayman islandSecuring a job offer and moving to cayman

Hi michey1,

Welcome to!

I invite you to post an ad in the jobs in Cayman Islands section as well. It can help you.

Thank you,
Christine team


Hi Christine

Thanks for your reply, I thought i had posted my advert on the jobs section - could you please let me know what i need to do if it isnt uploaded where it should be, Im new to this site so still getting to grips with it.

thanks very much


@ Michelle -> Your resume/CV is now online. Hope you'll get an offer soon. :up: