
Finding a swimming pool

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Marine Degruson


I am a 20 years old french student from Lille (north of France) and I am doing an internship here in Rabat for 6 months until the end of December. I am a bit lost for now because I don't know anyone I would love to meet other young people settled here!
Otherwise, Do you know any places where I could find a swimming pool in order to sunbath and enjoy this amazing weather? If some people are interested in it too, maybe we could search and go together?


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Hey Marine
You can call me Diaspo but most people called me Dandy,I hv been here for a while now & i hv idea concerning what u stated here &
I ll say Yes to your request,Inbox if you don t mind...


Diaspo wrote:

Hey Marine
You can call me Diaspo but most people called me Dandy,I hv been here for a while now & i hv idea concerning what u stated here &
I ll say Yes to your request,Inbox if you don t mind...

Look. She wants some advice on places to go, particularly a swimming pool. If you "hv idea concerning what u stated" please tell her (and the rest of us - we are fascinated to see your contribution) here on the forum. Why do you insist that she needs to contact you privately?

I shall advise her to do no such thing.  Keep it public.


Hello all,

I have created a new topic with your messages in order for other members to find and participate easier. :)
Kindly be reminded to stay focused on the content of the discussion.
Thanks for your understanding!

Take care,
Olivier Team


Hi Marine,

Have you discovered anywhere? I'm also looking a nice pool for sports and for enjoying the sun.


As far as swimming pool fun is concerned, you are better off sticking to the upscale establishments for the moment. If you are in Rabat, you might have noticed the "change of mood" after the latest Israeli Agressions on Palestine.

There is a Sports Club for the Ministry of Agriculture around "Lycée Descartes", in "Souissi". Just ask the cab to take you to the "Filaha Sports Club" ( Agriculture Sports Club ) - if you prefer on foot, it's on the straight road leading to Hay Riad, just walk by the maternity hospital and keep going, you'll find the club to your right, right beside a mosque on the other side of the road. The club closes around 18:00h, at least the swimming pool, so no point in going there like 3 am in the morning because I don't need to tell you it's not safe to do that.

You can also try "la felouque", a nice restaurant in Temara Beach ( Harhoura ), the cab ride should cost you 5/6 dh to get to Temara city Center and then 5/6 dh to get to the beach. The Restaurant has a sign on the road, it's 3 stars, and has good food too and a bar. They close late, but to use the swimming pool at night I think you need to be a guest at the hotel. You can also take the bus, I forgot which one goes there, but probably number 56. Not sure, will check for you. The bus fare is 4dh.

Try "Agdal" or "Hay Riad", the coffee shops have expat patrons are around av. "Fal Ould Omair", where McDonalds is, in fact, try McDonalds and KFC ;)

Otherwise, Hassan has some places where some of the foreigners meet, but tricky to find. I can give you the number of my sister, who is an alumni at AISEC ( is that how it's spelled ? ). She can put you in touch with foreigners here on training or COOP programs, they usually rent a place in Hassan too.

Here is her email: ***

For the swimming pools, try some of the hotels, 3 stars and upwards. Some of them might let you in for a fee, sometimes 100 dh up to 300, depending on how fancy the establishment is. But as far as downtown goes, your options are very slim.

There is a municipal swimming pool, but it's dirty, cheap, and very big and deep ( not very safe, depth 7 m and it's like a huge puddle of brown water, and kids perform stunts there just to kill the safety ).


@Cruentos Solum

"As far as swimming pool fun is concerned, you are better off sticking to the upscale establishments for the moment. If you are in Rabat, you might have noticed the "change of mood" after the latest Israeli Agressions on Palestine."

What change of mood? Has anyone else noticed this? I certainly haven't, neither in Casablanca nor El Jadida.


Oh man, change of mood comes from ...

Please, forgive me, I was going to say bad things. But, very simply, the change of mood on the entire planet, there are more people dying, there are more bad news, ... that kind of thing. Nobody care about tourists right now, most people just want to die from guilt and shame, and so it's kind of like, ... dangerous for people who just want to sunbathe and run away from problems of another kind in another world...

On top of it, the latest attacks on Gaza seem to stir things up between westerners and easterners, so I'm not going to kid you, remember what happened in Benghazi, it's just a decision away, and "temper" is not on a short leech here today.

At any rate, I'm not saying moroccans are violent, I'm not saying westerners are stupid, I'm saying we are all human and it is what it is. Better respect each other now, than end up blaming each other later. And here it stands, I am a muslim and honestly do not welcome foreigners to my country, not now, not while all the other countries are "infected" with the virus of change, and not that my own country has its own problems to deal with.

Come back later. We're changing the tourist platform. Updating it or something. Please be patient. We will drop you an email when things are fixed.


@Cruentos Solum
Do you really live in Morocco?
what city? wow man. tone it down a bit. you know how many expats live in casablanca alone?
walking down the street in casablanca , rabat or any major city in Morocco I commute with caucasians, asians, sub sahara africans, moroccans with different races and backgrounds.
in other words, with all due respect what the heck are you talking about?


Cruentos Solum wrote:

Oh man, change of mood comes from ...

Please, forgive me, I was going to say bad things. But, very simply, the change of mood on the entire planet, there are more people dying, there are more bad news, ... that kind of thing. Nobody care about tourists right now, most people just want to die from guilt and shame, and so it's kind of like, ... dangerous for people who just want to sunbathe and run away from problems of another kind in another world...

On top of it, the latest attacks on Gaza seem to stir things up between westerners and easterners, so I'm not going to kid you, remember what happened in Benghazi, it's just a decision away, and "temper" is not on a short leech here today.

At any rate, I'm not saying moroccans are violent, I'm not saying westerners are stupid, I'm saying we are all human and it is what it is. Better respect each other now, than end up blaming each other later. And here it stands, I am a muslim and honestly do not welcome foreigners to my country, not now, not while all the other countries are "infected" with the virus of change, and not that my own country has its own problems to deal with.

Come back later. We're changing the tourist platform. Updating it or something. Please be patient. We will drop you an email when things are fixed.

:offtopic:  The topic was finding a swimming pool.



Once again, the best option I would recommend is the Ministry of Agriculture Sports Club.

This is Ramadan, so I think it's closed, but in a couple of weeks will reopen. It even offers alcoholic beverages. I think access to the pool is around 100 Moroccan Dirhams (MAD/DH) to 150. There is a tennis court, squash, three swimming pools ( junior, senior, and pro ), a basketball field, a football ( soccer ) field, and indoor café/fast foot joint. I think there is accomodation too but I think reserved for Ministry Employees and Club Members. You don't need to be a member or Employee to get in though, they only get special rates, that's all.

I used to be a member too, and for that I'm not sure if they still accept membership for people from outside the Ministry. At any rate, ask at the reception. If they do, you are better off getting a one year subscription, as they offer pool services all year round ( think they still do ) and the sports fields are also open all year. The price should be better than single entry if you want to attend regularly. If not, there are also fitness centers that offer sauna and hot pool services in Hay Riad, try near Av. Nakhil for example, near Maroc Telecom. The cost should be anywhere from 100 to 600 for full service, including massage and sauna access.

This is all I can personally recommend. Sorry. There could be some hotels in Temara / Rabat that allow visitors from outside too for a nominal fee (from 100 to 200 / 300 depending on class / rank ). Temara Plage also has some, try la felouque, on Harhoura Beach, they offer pool access to guests and visitors for 150 DH I think, it's a well reputed place, and has a restaurant available on site / pub.

You're out of luck sweety, Casablanca has aquatic theme parks near the beach, not in Rabat though. If you don't mind the trip and have a couple of hours to spare, there is "la piscine" in mehdia plage, kenitra, around 30 km away. For that though, you'd have to go to kenitra by bus, cab, or train, for 15 DH, and then take a bus or cab to the beach, for around 5DH.

The whole trip takes around 40 minutes. Once there, you have choice between three beautiful beaches around 6 km apart each, or "La Piscine", a swimming pool also offering restaurant services and a piano bar open until 3 am.

The swimming pool however closes at around 6 pm normally, and I think is only open during the summer.

Good Luck.


Oh! What a fool I am.

I Almost forgot. And I live just a block away.

There is "Club Cheminots", the ONCF ( national railway company ) sports club, which is in agdal / ave Fal Ould Omeir. It has a swimming pool too and is open all year round. There is also the IAM ( Maroc Telecom, national historic telephone operator ) sports club on ave hassan two, just a block away, near the Christian Cemetary. It has pool access and a professional tennis court.

I just checked on the internet too, in Agdal, there is a "Centre Belle Vue", on 7000 sq meters, offering all kinds of pool service. It's in Agdal, near "Lycée Descartes", and should be open all year round.

Ask the cab to take you to "Rue Al Manar" or "Zankat al Manar", It should be right up the corner of the street.

Enjoy :)


Let's flourish the topic on "swimming pool"

My suggestion to people all reading to not worry about violence, and enjoy the pools.
Morocco is peacefull even over the standarts of many developed countries. That's why I can not critize Moroccans talking about possible troubles, since their perception is also taking "norms" of Morocco. Ok a few indecent happened nowadays but;

As an example from my country, somebody hit another is not even a topic for news in Turkey. Doesn't matter you compare populations (2 times more) etc. Same applies to many european countries. Summary, if indecents will become maybe a 5 times more in Morocco, it can just catch the crime standarts of most countries.

Morocco is safe, just an exception is common snatching problem. But it is also just snatching not extortion. So just keep your bag safely in crowded places and enjoy this peacefull country.

For the ones looking for a country "nearly complete" safe, consider bhutan and tibet :).


Hi ! if you looking for a piscine for sports the best one in Rabat and Sale is the olympique pool Moulay rachid in Sale , you can go swimming in any time you want and it's open the whole year . but it's a far to Rabat and you need a car if you want to go at night because it's open also at night an close at 10 pm . it's also a good idea if you want to register your kids or with your husband .
that's the link :


Hi Marine, Are you still interested in what I want to know about a friend in order to improve my language and gain new friends?


Hi El Malhi,

Welcome to

I'm afraid you won't be getting any response from Marine as this thread is quite old and she has not been active on for 2 years . Your insights and advise would be much appreciated on the recent topics of the Rabat forum.




Hi! Ths topic is a bit old but i'm looking for updated info regarding swimming pool in Rabat.
I will spend 5 days in Rabat ( I already know the city) so I was wondering if you can suggest me clubs/Hotels/resorts (entrance payable daily) where there is a nice swimming pool and where I can sunbathing by the pool having a drink.
In this topic some of you suggested LA it still a good location? How much is the entrance?
Do you have other suggestions?

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