General Chit Chat

If you are the "gringo" (non Dominican) and involved with a Dominican in an accident 99% of the time it will be your fault and you will pay lots of $$. You will pay for his medical, loss of his moto and god forbid he dies you will pay his family for his death.
It does not matter if he was speeding, going the wrong way on a one way street, ran two stop signs and has no working headlights.  You will most likely be at fault.
I actually have a friend who was parked (in a legal spot) eating lunch in the restaurant next to where he was parked and a moto hit his car.  He refused to pay and they went to court....findings:  If he had not parked there his car would not be hit. Now pay the guy!  True story

Bob K

Wow, thats really deep!! It sounds ounds like thr fix is just in  for the gringos pocket, even at the judicial level - forget about fair. 

I could see the Dominican demanding money at the scene because everyone perceives that the gringo cacas dollar bills. But I would have imagined that once it reached court if the evidence showd that the Dominican was outta poxket, in SO MANY WAYS, then maybe ud have to be found not responsible. (Maybe I'm thinking too much like an American again..)

Sounds like kangaroo  justice. Does one have any protections against things like that

You know Bob, I did have an accident there. Me and another vehicle clipped mirrors while passing each other. We both got, blamed each other, and expressed our unhappiness! But was no real damage, we shook hands and both left, he seemed to be cool. And i'm cool. So neither pushed the issue.

But based on how you say it couldve been, im glad it didn't go any different than that...Geeh!!!!

Bob is correct,  you will be blamed. As an expat you are considered rich and therefor to blame. It also happens to wealthier Dominicans, its all about the money.

Someone mentioned drivers license -  IF you drive on a foreign license after your 30 day tourist visa has expired, YOU will be held at fault for ANY accident AND it can and does invalidate your insurance!  BE careful.  You can hire a driver if you have your own vehicle! Its an inexpensive way to make sure you are covered until you get your residencia and your dominican drivers license.

Hi Canadian sig, welcome to the forum! Youre definitely in the right place if looking for information about DR. The blog is very good for that, especially Planner and Bob, they know a lot.

Oops, wrong thread. Computer has a mind of its own lol

Ok I have a question expats. About credit card use:

Can you use a credit card [like a military USAA Visa card] for normal everyday use there?  Like at the supermarket, for food shopping, clothing, and other everyday purchases like dinner and a movie, or things of that nature?  That's the 1st question

2nd, How are the pesos converted into US currency for billing purposes?

For example, may I make a purchase in DR for 100,000 pesos, is the card charged 100, 000 pesos, or is it charged US currency. Which one is it? Also, how is the US dollar amount calculated, knowing that in different parts of the island the exchange rate differs.

Yes you can but not for absolutely everything, some places wont take credit cards.  Your bank will tell you the rate of exchange as it gets charged here in pesos most of the time.  A few places - lime resorts - will also handle dollars.  Check but usually your bank will give you a good rate.

youre saying the DR entity charges the card in pesos, so if I use a visa for 100,000 pesos at a supermarket, the supermarket will charge the Visa card 100,000 pesos?  And then the bank will make the conversion to US dollars, at the banks determination of the rate?

Did I get it right?

Yup that is exactly correct.

Same at atm machines if you use American bank card. You withdraw an amount of pesos, then your bank converts at their daily rate and it appears on your statement, either paper or electronic in dollars.

We use our US credit card all the time but only at major stores. Most small stores won't take them.

Yes you are charged in Pesos and you bank will make the conversion at the daily rate (fluctuates a small amount every day).  This is usually at a better rate than you will get changing for pesos on the street.  For us that is a rate of about 43.4 on the bank card which is the street rate.

If you use an ATM always try to do this at a machine physically attached to a bank during banking hours. That way if a problem there is a chance someone will be able to help you

Also and most important do let your home bank know of your travel plans.  If you do not notify them they will put a hold on your card with the first use fearing fraud.

Hope this helps.

Bob K

Yes this helps a lot thank you Planner and Bob.  Now I know that I can use plastic instead of walking around with thousands of dollars in cash in my pocket - I plan on making the change to plastic this go round, good to know how the charges work when using plastic. Also good to know that I can withdraw cash at ATM from my bank of America account. this way I can limit the amount of cash I walk around with on a daily basis.

You will want to check what your bank and the local ATM charges you to withdraw money.  Some are quite high meaning you don't want to withdraw money every day or second day.  Make sure where you stay has a safe and use it. 

Failing that,  hide money in various places either in your room or on your body.  Don't put all your cash in your one pocket,  put it various places.

Thanx Planner.

I plan on staying in the country for around 3 weeks to 1 month. having flight room board & food already covered, i plan on budgeting around $1500 to $ 2000 dollars spending money for the trip.  Before, I would have came out with that in cash and just carried it around or left it in my lodging and stuff like that, but this go round  gonna do it different..   I think I may start with maybe $1000 cash, and use plastic when I can, and then hit the ATM when the $1000 runs out  [cuz you know I gotta have enough money to buy Planner a drink lol!  ;)]

With that plan, seems I may have to hit an ATM once. Unless Planner is really hot - in that case I may have to hit the ATM a second time - N buy her buy her a 2nd, or a 3rd drinks!  :D. Just messing around Planner.

But back to topic, how does the financial side of my plan sound?  Think $2000 would be cool?

And the purpose for the month long trip: I will be studying Spanish in Santo Domingo university zone. (Room board food included) The last week of my trip I will staying a week in Bani wth friends. Mentioning this to express that I won't be going there to party and hang out all day long, cuz I know id probably need more money for that plan!

If room and board are totally covered (including electric, internet, cable, water ) then $2000 should be ok


Yea Bob im thinkin on the lines of $500 a week. And you kmo Bob, id still have access 2 more finds thru my savings account I just byl budget 2000 fof tht trip

Have  a great time

Bob K

Ok car update time.  As you may know I managed get both of our vehicles into an accident this month.  First accidents I have had in the last 46 years of driving.

So we paid the moto guy off ($5000Rd) for hitting us and he is gone.

The Avalanche (my baby is now 14 years old and looks brand new) came out of the body shop two days ago and looks absolutely perfect!  It is back to looking brand new.  Deductible $5000RD.  It is nice to have it back.

The Rav-4 goes in Monday and they will need 3-4 days (lots of front end damage (all cosmetic though).  So we are supposed to get a rental car that is covered by our insurance.  Funny though we need to pay the extra insurance on the rental out of pocket. We will see if that works out or not.  By the end of next week both vehicles should be back to "normal".

Bob K

Glad to hear it's working out Bob. So even with insurance you had to pay the motorbiker off eh? Something to just count as the cost of being a Gringo?

Yayyyyyy  good to hear Bob. At the end of all this, you need to tell us both the insurance company and the garage used to repair.  IF they are doing this good a job we should share the info!!!!

Canadian Sig you should know that  no matter the circumstances the gringo is:
always at fault
always pays

And $5000 RD is very cheap, yes it is part of the "gringo" experience here.

Bob K

Planner the insurance is Mapfree and the garage is Jon's at the max car wash in Sosua. The RAV-4 goes in tomorrow

Bob K

Thanks Bob....

Gd morning family. Una pregunta..

I am still working out arrangements to be in SD for about a months stay as previously posted. (Purposes of practicing my spanish absorbing my culture and networking.. meeting you guys!! And, trying out an extended stay trial - as I have never been in the country more than a 7 days time)   So I've got the info about overstaying my 30 day tourist card. Along with info on the dengue, the chikunguynoua,the hospitals vs private clinics, the pharmacies, power outtages, the water, the pill taken to fight parasites along with many other things. (U guys are really great teachers by the way!!)

Pero hay uno mas pregunta lo que me pregunto

Do you guys think a special health insurance is needed for that type of stay? I currently have GHI for stateside / Blue Cross Blue Shield for abroad.  I've traveled abroad EVERYWHERE, but I've never been any place longer than 7 to 10 days for there to become an issue, like a REAL issue. So

(ok, at the risk of you guys yelling at me for making this long,  sorry but gotta tell you this story lol. On my FIRST trip to DR, i stayed in hotel, took my vitamin daily, every morning with two nice big glass of tap water!!  YEAP!!!!   And Thats how I learned about the water guys!!

Educated MYSELF on that one...

It was a 7 day trip. By 5th day got weak, headache n fever. 6th day, stomsch cramp n the runs. Like Never Ever EVER before!! 7th day it was time 2 leave. But the clean up staff ddnt care 4 me that afternoon...

Neither did JetbluE..    !

I got VERY sick, but point is that i was able to make it back stateside, saw my doctor, and was ok.  I also had a slip n fall n sprained my ankle and wrist also abroad - but same situation;  was able to manage pain, got home shortly and was cool)

So I wondered what you guys thought about health coverage for that type of stay of like a month.  Is something like that recommended necessary or even available.

Local insurance will not do you any good as there is usually a 30-60 day waiting period before it will kick in and that is after your application has been accepted. So for a month to 3 month stay it will do you no good.

Bob K

That is not quite correct Bob.  The insurance I use kicks in as soon as you are accepted - in most cases about 7 days and we can do the paperwork in advance!

However in this case you say you have : " Blue Cross Blue Shield for abroad".  Make sure that covers you for the duration of this stay. I was somehow under the impression it would be about  30 days - correct?

When we signed up with Universal we had a 30 day waiting period and a 18 month pre existing clause

Bob K

We have no waiting period at signup and 6 months on MOST pre existing but not all.

Just checked with Pat (la Jefa) and our waiting period was 9 months for all pre-existing

Bob K

Ok,  I know its been a few years since you got your insurance, I wonder if has changed with Universal?  I will find out if I can...

No big deal now as we have had it for 8 years now.

Bob K

Bob it might be useful for others considering insurance options.....  :lol:

Hey guys.. I haven't checked with Blue Cross Blue Shield as of yet but I surely will as soon as soon as I can to see if they will personally cover me while I'm there, will advise. But wondering from you guys based on your knowledge, have you ever heard of public hospitals, even private clinics accepting that insurance there?  I remember Planner explaining how public hospitals accept insurance but private clinics are way better.

I PERSONALLY may be good based on the BC/BS

Have you ever even heard of a temporary insurance existing there, for tourists traveling there longer than the typical week.. Like, a 30 day stay?   Since 30 days is the tourists' maximim travel time anyway. Like for one that does NOT have employer coverage for abroad like in my case.  Like does something like a temp. tourist/30 day coverage even exist? Or u guys never heard of no such policy.

N naturally it would have to be something that kicks in not in 30 days lol.

N last, if there is such a coverage do you guys think it is really necessary for someone like me to get for my 30 day stay? I'm wondering on the lines that it may not be necessary since I can actually pay my way through the private clinics.

thank you guys and I hope I've been clear.

You have it incorrect public hospitals dont take private insurance. You must go to private hospital or clinic. 

I dont know which clinics take blue cross but i am sure many do!

Which is the one where you pay cash? Like in your case. Was that a private hospital?  Private clinic or both.

Anyone will take cash (private or public facilities ) but Private clinics many times will work with your US insurance.

For temporary insurance if your BS/BC does not cover you (and they should) you can get "travel health insurance" from companies in the US.  Just google "travel health insurance"

Bob K

And you do note EVER want to be cared for in a public hospital,  take my word for it..... :D

Right on Bob!!  That's the info i was wondering about!! Ill look into that right away. N the last part..

Between my BC/BS, and the fact that u can pay at the hospital/clinic, in your opinion do u think travel insurance for dr would be necessary? Or overkill?  I'm thinking along the lines that it will be a third option, maybe not that really necessary