
Move to Brussels Belgium - expected salary



I'm currently working in a Big 4 treasury consulting firm in New York, USA with more than 6 years of work experience. I have got an offer from a company in Brussels Belgium and I wanted to know what should be the expected salary for my experience to move there. Both me and my wife will be moving there and initially only I'll be working as my wife would require a visa sponsorship to work there.

What should be the expected salary gross and net after taxes, what range should be the other expenses like rent, groceries, car and gas, daily living expenses. Any help here would be highly appreciated as I need to discuss the expected salary next week. Thanks!

See also

Moving to Belgium with your petRelocating to BelgiumVisa status checking webpageNationality conditions - new government agreementSingle permit - changed my address while waiting for Annex 46

Cannot help you with salary levels but for cost of living 

Perhaps a Goggle search will give you some idea of salary levels.