
New York for three months

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Hi there everyone :)

So I'll be coming over to live and work in NY as part of a student work experience programme for three months: end of Nov-Feb. I'm hoping to stay in the city. Manhattan preferably.

Please could someone advise me on possible start up costs I'd have to look into. What is a reasonable amount to bring in the beginning? I'd probably only secure a job once I'm there.

What is the average rent for apartments? Do most people ask for two months deposit?

I do have loads of other questions but I'll ask as time goes on.

Thanks a milllion everyone

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ok.  Soyou are looking at about 1500-2300 dollars a month. for a one bedroom in manhattahn.  But other bouroughs you are looking at 900-1900.  Yes they all ask for first and last.  Some even ask for first last and deposit.  A good place to look is craigslist.  Rmemeber never give money until you see the place.  You can also look for roommate situations.  If you need a good place to sleep for awhile look at the ymca or airbnb. If you need to call home a cheap company is StanaCard.

Good luck

happy:) 15

I've be to NY a couple of time with my family and it is pretty expencive but nice. I think people ask for a 3 months deposit but thats just the genral NY apartment keeper. The best thing I can tell you is to say INSIDE after dark. Trust me do not leave under any condition. Hope you have a great time in the US.

P.S. Try not to be scared some people can smell fear a mile away.

P.S.S. sorry if I scared you with my reply :)


happy:) 15 wrote:

I've be to NY a couple of time with my family and it is pretty expencive but nice. I think people ask for a 3 months deposit but thats just the genral NY apartment keeper. The best thing I can tell you is to say INSIDE after dark. Trust me do not leave under any condition. Hope you have a great time in the US.

P.S. Try not to be scared some people can smell fear a mile away.

P.S.S. sorry if I scared you with my reply :)

What are you talking about, People Party in Manhattan All night every night..  mean sure, some neighborhoods your not familiar with should not be there. period, But yu can still hangout all thought the night any where preety much in Manhattan. only for that fact that its going to be fucking freezing outside, there than that Enjoy, Have Fun, Party. and yu will never forget the time you spent here...

robert knox

I have of lots of experience on NY. One day am walk through the road a dog ran and bited me. After i was 2 days on hospital. Thats one of the very good memory of NY....


Hi, I have come over to live and NY for three months as well! I have been here a month already and can relate to your queries.

Most apartments request one month rent upfront and alot of the time, also a security deposit. To be specific, I needed $3000 to secure the apartment I am in now in Manhattan (1month rent plus 1month deposit.

Have a look at Local Bigwig: for furnished apartments being rented out by locals.

Good luck!

nychopeful wrote:

Hi there everyone :)

So I'll be coming over to live and work in NY as part of a student work experience programme for three months: end of Nov-Feb. I'm hoping to stay in the city. Manhattan preferably.

Please could someone advise me on possible start up costs I'd have to look into. What is a reasonable amount to bring in the beginning? I'd probably only secure a job once I'm there.

What is the average rent for apartments? Do most people ask for two months deposit?

I do have loads of other questions but I'll ask as time goes on.

Thanks a milllion everyone


Hi nychopeful,

First of all, who ever says to stay inside at all costs after dark in manhattan is either really paranoid or in the wrong area.  I am very familiar with manhattan and I've never had an issue, I love it here!  In response to the person who recommended craigslist, in my opinion, it is a hit or miss.  If you are trying to rent for a short amount of time before you get on your feet, I suggest doing a sublet.  You will be living in someone else's fully furnished apartment and paying them rent as opposed to paying 2 months rent and security deposit, especially if you are tight on cash.  Manhattan is a great place with tons of places to see, parks and museums to visit and the best restaurants.  Bring as much money as you can save up but try to look for the best deals, always better to be prepared.  Another tip, TAKE THE SUBWAY... its only $2 and can take you practically anywhere.  Cabs ARE expensive.... I just looked back at your post and saw that you are a student, why don't you look into student housing? Its quite cheap and may be what you are looking for in terms for a short term stay or before you decide on spending the money on an apartment.  I hope my advice helps.  Good Luck!

Cheers :)


Thanks Brit_Xoomer for ur useful post!
Can u suggest a trusted website where to find sublets?
And also, can u advise about which could be the average monthly cost for a single room?



Your welcome frill,

Sure, you can try as well as and

I hope this helps, if not just try to type in "NYC Sublets" into a search engine and see what you come up with, and don't be afraid to call a number off a website to get more information.  For a studio or one bedroom apartment for a short time stay, if your not looking for anything luxury, I wouldn't pay more than $1,800 a month.

Good Luck and Let me know if you have anymore questions, Ill see if I can help.

Cheers :)

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