Working with etihad

i got offer to work with etihad and my salary package is basik 8k and shift 1k and house allowance 7k so total its will be 16k.Can anyone please suggest its salary package enough for me and my wife living in abu dhabi? thanks

16K is really good salary. You can have really good life in Dubai, depends on your life style..

thanks for advise but mind to know can i save my money with 16k with average living..

Yes.. you can easily save.. but again thats completely depends on your lifestyle and initial investment like, housing, furniture, driving license and so on...

what is most expensive things other then housing there

Housing is the most expensive.. remaining all comparatively cheap.

However if you convert everything to INR and compare, then everything is costly :):P

dont worry, u will forget that conversion very soon once u get used to dirhams..