
Blogging laws in Brazil


I am wondering if anyone knows some of the legalities around blogging in Brazil or point me in the right direction?

Specifically, I am curious to know:

:: Are bloggers from Brazil allowed to accept products / experiences from brands?
:: Do they have to disclose any gifts / freebies?
:: Are there laws about what content they can write about?

These are the laws in the U.S:

Thank you so much!

See also

Marriage in BrazilTravel to BrazilRetirement in BrazilExpat death in BrazilCPF for foreigners

I wish I had an answer for you... But this is Brazil and I can almost guarantee there are going be some laws. I would check with the Receita Federal.


Any "gift" that is sent by mail or FedEx is subject to import tax to be payed by the person that receives it.


Hi Dex,

Decreto/Lei 6815 Estatuto de Estrangeiro states that foreigners cannot involve themselves in politics or join political parties. It would stand to reason that if your writings were in any way politically biased (i.e. supporting one party over another) or if they were overly critical of the political process you could run into a bit of trouble.

That said, the Constitution also provides for freedom of expression and freedom of the press so that could also protect you a bit. Just don't overdo it and nobody will come knocking on your door. If you read some of my postings you'll see that sometimes I am really pushing the envelope, but so far the Feds haven't come hunting for me. hehehehehe  Cheers,
  William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Regarding the "import taxes" due on any "gifts" sent via FedEx, PLEASE NOTE those taxes do not HAVE to be paid by the RECIPIENT. They can also be paid by the SENDER, if so desired and SO OPTED FOR BEFORE sending it. I, as the "Sender," have done so many times when sending gifts to my partner in Brazil via FedEx.