
Moving to Asuncion

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I will soon be moving to Paraguay to live. I am a teacher in the US (English and Spanish). I've previously lived in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, for a year. I am wondering if anyone has gone through the steps to become a teacher in Paraguay. What documentation did you need? I know there will be documents I will need to legalize through the Paraguayan consulate. What do these include? (College diploma, police clearance, birth certificate... and?) Do these need to be notarized prior to sending to the consulate? Do they need to be apostillized or anything additional? (The consulate gives me a different answer ever time I ask, and New York, where I have to go through, NEVER tells me what the other consulates do, even though the other consulates agree).

Secondly, apart from searching through online classifieds, is there any other way to go about looking for a teaching job? What are some of the schools that might be interested in an English teacher? Any suggestions?

Thank you!

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hi there,
you could ask these questions to english language schools in Asuncion. … pag=1&ms=1

the director of the Universidad Americana language school is Mr. Fernando Gimenez  you could try asking him about a position

good luck!


Thank you for your response and suggestions! I've contacted CCPA and MEC with no reply. (Yes, I've phoned as well... I am always given an email to contact, which so far, has not resulted in anyone responding). I know that's pretty typical and a lot of things I'll have to do once in the country, but am really hoping to get the paperwork I need from the U.S. legalized before leaving. I'll try the other 2 sources you suggested and hope for an eventual answer from the others. :)


I grew up in Edina Minnesota.  So why are you moving to PY? I like living in Pedro Juan Caballero where it is cooler because of higher elevation.  There are a number of language schools there, it is a boarder town with Brazil.
If I were you I would get every doc you mentioned and any others you have legalized at the embassy in NY before you come down.


Minnesota, yey! Edina's down by the cities, right? I was born in Superior and Minneapolis is closer to Rice Lake than half the cities in Wisconsin, so that's where I always fly out of. I've stared to realize how much of a culture we have up-north that's really distinct from other U.S. states (i.e. our winters that can't be understood until living through them, fishing, hunting, etc!), so it's neat to "meet" someone else in Paraguay from the same region.

I lived in Paraguay as an exchange student during high school and loved it. I just love the life, having a focus on the simpler things (I guess other Americans might see small-town Wisconsin as already being this, but I think we definitely focus so much on material goods here in the U.S., and the so-called rat-race). I love the culture, the language, and I hope to learn Guarani. I like being healthier, something I really need to do for myself. So, I am moving because it seems like now is the time, before investing too much of myself into a job or buying a house. And I'm at a point in my life where I am ok with deciding once I am there how long it will be for- a year, 2, or forever.

I'll have to visit Pedro Juan caballero. I have a friend there, and though I will be moving to Asuncion, it might be something to check out for my long-term plans. I really loved Ciudad del Este because of the boarder town diversity.

Thank you for the advice. I'll keep working on those documents!

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