
Watching/ Playing Soccer



I've just moved from Ireland and soccer is a pretty big deal to me. I'm looking for information about places people go to watch soccer matches, epl, especially Liverpool and would also like to join a team. As it stands I will be playing Football for the harps but I'd like to know of any teams you can play with for a bit of fun or if anyone is currently running evening games.



See also

Leisure activities in KuwaitRoller Blading in SalmiyaAre there Dance Rehearsal Studio for Rent?If you want to play Soccer/Football, register here.Tennis class in Boulevard Salmiya

Hi Dean,

Welcome to Expat-Blog ;)

Thank you

Expat-blog Team


I just moved to kuwait 2 months ago , and i've been asking same question ! My bro is living here for 8 years and he told me he can't help it cause i'm not going to find a sports bar not anything close enough . At least you are luckier than i'm cause you support Liverpool and  while i'm a Bundesliga fan which is hell less popular here in kuwait than premier league . So i bought a home theatre system and now i'm watching football and formula1 at home .

About to play football i only played it here once as a friend of mine invited me to play with a team consisted of his coworkers . And seemed like if you love to play football regularly you have to start your own team and that's what about to do ! You may join us if you are interested !



Hey I found a couple of places to watch the game, not really much atmosphere (a few heads turned when I cheered as Liverpool slotted one home)! I wouldn't mind going to watch Bundesliga some time, I have never really seen it, but am familiar with teams and players albeit through Fifa.

Let me know if you are playing anytime, I'd love to join in. I'm teaching in Hawally at the moment. I might also invest in a home entertainment system in the coming weeks!


the name did look familiar, ah yes, you posted on the Harps facebook page :) I was part of the first team that went out to dubai with declan and the gang.

your best bet in order to really enjoy the games is to get em at home so that you and your mates can watch em to your hearts content, cheering (and jeering) without any unwanted attention going your way.

most games that have a heavy fanbase would be Real Madrid and Barcelona. if ur working in hawally (where I live) im not sure where u'll be staying, but there is a street full of hookah joints where football matches are always running.

but again, it depends on the # of supporters you can rally for your team.



We're a bunch of 40-ish guys from different backgrounds that play soccer on Mondays and Wednesdays. We're usually short on players. Some are good, others are just average but all love football. We play in hawally. It's mostly a five aside affair between 8-9 pm. We're from different nationalities but I'd say majority are Indians. Join us if you play for fun as well. You'll meet epl fans too with one very strong Armenian supporter :) Let me know if you'd like to join. Cheers!


I'd def be up for Monday night if that is possible?


Sure! We usually confirm the court and players on Sunday for the game. Send me your contacts (965 999 85 995) and I'll confirm on Sunday. Cheers!


We're playing tomorrow. 7 players so far, we need 3 or 5 more to have a 5 or 6 aside game. Anyone want to join?

The location, its in Maidan Hawally on the Gulf Road, Right opposite the Corniche Club, if you know where that is.


Hi, I would like to play.  I am average to slightly better than average.  Will come to the playground tomorrow, so please count me in. Cheers.


Great! See you there Alan. We start at 8 pm. Call me if you get lost or need directions.


OK Great. See you then.


Hey, im moving to Kuwait in about 2 weeks from canada, would be awesome to have some friends around to do some stuff :p, im in for soccer, basketball, jogging, or just hanging out! pm me


If you want to watch live games as well, the Kuwaiti domestic league is underway now. Level of football is not so good, but you still might see goals. I went to watch Salmiya v Yarmouk a few weeks ago in Salmiya and it was free to get in.

Dan Cassidy

Hi Guys
I have just arrived in Kuwait and I am actively searching for activities with other expats.
I know that this post is over 1 year old, but are the Monday night meet ups for a kick around still on?
also, is anyone watching the game tonight, if so, can they suggest a good place to go to watch?




Hey Guys,

Are all still using



Hi guys,
I'm new here, and i would like to meet other foreigners and play football with you guys.
Contact me if you need a new player :)