
hola soy dentista y proximamente voy a ir a realizar el examen de haad alli Hay alguien que me pueda aconsejar sobre de que va el tema y como prepararme? gracias

Dear all The above post from Silvianes from Madrid is in Spanish  read it as "hi I'm a dentist and soon I'm going to take the exam for HAAD there anyone who can advise me about that is the issue and how to prepare? thanks"

thank you goodntasty45  i didnŽt realize to write it in english thank you very much .best regards

Hi Silviaines, Bueno Gracias querida - Desde los lectores como yo no saben leer o escribir en spansh ahí simplemente traduje su mensaje en Inglés Gracias.

hi again, do you know anyone that passed the haad exam?

Hello Hola, I wish I new it but NO I don't email me on goodntasty45{AT}yahoo.com and can probably suggest u. Thanks Regards

Hola I may be able to suggest you and point you towards the direction so that u can take it up from there. Regards