I'm home

Ok so I just need to know if it's just me or what!  I just completed my first year as an expat in Bangkok, Thailand.  I often longed for home and many of the conveniences (United States).  Well I've been home for about a week and am dreading seeing everybody. I have no idea why though.  I am staying with my parents and spent a day with my inalws.  However, I have friends that have contacted me, aunts, uncles, cousins, and I have managed to avoid them.  I even deactivated my facebook...(Perhaps as a way of "hiding out")  I'm thinking I"m still jet lagged and just not ready.  I don't know.  Anyone share this.  I mean, I don't even want to call anyone.  I feel guilty, but it is what it is.  I am here for 5 more weeks and I know that this will have to pass.  Suggestions?

Rest for a few days maybe even a week then you'll probably feel more like socializing. You've been working for a whole year non-stop, now you're back home with a bit of jet-lag and maybe even a bit of Reverse Culture Shock too. You're not Iron Man, don't feel bad about that fact.

William James Woodward = Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

Well thanks William.  It's been  6 days and I'm still recovering.  Your post made me feel better.  Ill give it a few more days :)

You can also read the 100 posts on the exact same subject here https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=138

I'm on it.  Thanks! ;)

-I close this thread, let's post on the other one-


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