New in Palermo - looking to meet other expats living here


I've just recently moved to Palermo from NZ and heard about this site as a good way to meet new people living in the same place.  Is there anyone else currently living in Palermo - if so, I'd love to hear from you and any tips you have re starting out here e.g. learning Italian, finding english speaking jobs etc.


Welcome to Rebecca!;)

Hope that you'll get a lot of nice contacts here.



Are you still in Palermo? How have you found it? I'm moving there in the summer.


I am moving to Palermo at the end of September and would be interested in any advice you have for me and maybe meeting for a coffee when I arrive if you have the time? I'm Irish but lived in Italy last year for 6 months in Abruzzo. Hope it's all going well there.

Louise  :)

I am irish and going to palarmo for two weeks 10 9 2013, my email if you want  to met up, anna

Hi Clare, sorry I have only just seen your message! Are you still here in Palermo? If so, how much longer are you planning on being here for? Hope you have settled in well. Let me know if you would be keen for a coffee or something at some stage? Rebecca

Hi Lousie, sorry I've only just seen your post. Are you still planning on coming to Palermo? Maybe you are already here? If so, let me know and we can meet up for a coffee or something so I can give you some tips about Palermo life :) Rebecca

HI rebecca, I lived in Palermo for 2 years. I am not sure why you would choose Palermo of all the places in Italy.  I nearly went mad there. The mentality is very different to what you are used to and the men are very chauvnistic and controlling. There is very little expat activity there.  Honestly, I suggest you relocate to somewhere like Florence. Palermo is not a healthy city to be a young woman alone in. Teaching jobs are available if you have EU citizenship and teaching certification such as TEFL/CELTA.  You cannot get a teaching job otherwise. If you decide to stay there, I wish you all the very best. I found the city depressing, dirty and chaotic.
I lived there for 2 years. I do not recommend it.

Hi Hillary,

Welcome to :)

Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with us.. but as our ambition here on is to help people who want to live abroad, we would also love to read some positive feedback too please :)

Thank you


Hello girls, I'm also originally from Ireland but have just moved to Palermo. Let me know if any of ye would like to go for a coffee as I know nobody here yet :-)

My email is and I would love to meet one or both of you for a coffee. Mail me here or find me on facebook or skype and we can arrange something.

You Irish girls still in Palermo? I'm dying to meet some English speaking people...or Dutch, or anyone really, that speaks good English and fancies some company :)
Feeling mighty isolated!

I'll be moving to palermo in a few month to teach. Hoping there are a few expats to help make my transition smoother.

How long will you be in palermo for? I will be moving there in a few months and would be happy to get together after I arrive.

Hi, I'm Clare. I've been living and working in Palermo for the last 2 years. Let me know if you want to meet up, it's always nice to meet new people :)

Hi, I have lived in Palermo for the past 2 years. It would be nice to meet up with other native english speakers; expats here are few and far between, so we have to stick together :) Clare

Hi Everyone,

I just recently moved to Palermo and will be here until about February. I'm sort of in the process of settling down. Any tips on where to buy linens and some basic furniture?

I don't speak Italian yet, but I can understand a little bit. Anyway, it would be nice as well to meet some other English speakers here as well.

Paolo (Ironic, but I have an Italian name, which is out of sheer coincidence)

Hi guys, I will be in Palermo for Easter this year (2015). I would love to get together with somebody who lives there to get an insider's view of the place. If you fancy getting together for a glass of wine or some lunch, or a night out for that matter, please let me know.



hey, still here? me and my gf are looking for new friends to hang out with sometimes so if is not too late would be nice to meet you ;)

Hello everybody!

I´m Austrian and I  will move to Palermo in September

Please keep me posted.

It would be nice to meet up with other newcomers.



What´s up: ****

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I just arrived in Palermo as well and it would be nice to meet people living here.


I´m Austrian and I will stay in Palermo for one ore 2 months for now...



have fun in this great city!


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Greetings everyone!

I need your help. Is here anyone from Sicily? Could you send a postcard to my friend in UK? Her daughter is terminally ill now and my friend needs a support.
Why from Sicily? This is her favorite place, with which many good memories are associated. I believe that a little postcard will give her new power in this hard period and she will overcome these difficulties!
Why do I ask you? I believe that there are good people and maybe someday you will need my help. Well, I'm at your disposal!
Please if you can do this, write to me in pm or here.

Thanks in advance!

Hi, I am moving to Trapani in 2 weeks. Are you still in Palermo, I would like to meet up if you are still in Palermo?

I've been travelling around Sicily for the last month or so, just left Trapani actually, currently in Palermo. I'm moving to Modica in May to settle - would love to arrange to meet up if you'd like?

Palermo is a good choice!
There is an expat group quite active, find on Fb - expats living in Palermo (page and fb group)

Great! It's good to know there are some English speakers on the west side. Sorry about the delay. Will you be back in Trapani again or are you now settled in the south east? I'm feeling that I made a mistake buying in the west, everyone seems to live in the east! 🤔 my email is ***

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