
Moving with a cat

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Please consult your vet to make certain the animal's required shots (rabies)are up to date. Get him to complete an international form which will be required at USDA Export Department (Department of Agriculture) in the states. They will keep it a couple of days and call when it's ready to be picked up or send it to you. I was pressed for time and barely made it. The problem is that Paraguay requires the form to be dated no more than 30 days from the date you get that USDA form legalized. It has to be that way. Consult the website or call the particular consulate for your state or province. They have the information shown online.

Costs for me were $70 at the local vet for completion of that international shot record form, $35 for the USDA form and $35 at the consulate for "legalization".

Arrived at the airport in Houston feeling that we were prepared. Right? Then as we attempted to check our beloved cat for her long flight we were informed that our brand new "airline approved" pet taxi from Wxxxxxx is unacceptable for "Homeland Security". The airline said the cat might escape from that model....I commented sure, she which could virtually claw her way out. That was only for my sarcastic benefit as I later had to "donate" the new unacceptable pet taxi to who knows.

Thus, I had to get a taxi...cost about $50 with all the running around and searching. Save time and go to PetSxxxx. There you can get the pet taxi by "Grreat Choice" (brand) that has a top and bottom which are connected and secured by several metal bolts with plastic wing nuts, not the handy plastic latches or plastic tie downs, which are not acceptable. This will run you about $28 for the smaller size for a cat.

The cat's ticket for transportation in the luggage compartment was $250. Make certain your plans comply with "temperature" requirements or limits stipulated by some countries. There are some places that won't even allow "kitty" to pass through in transit, so make your plan accordingly.

For destinations in Paraguay, best to travel either non-stop or via Panama...Brazil and Argentina are not "pet friendly". Once at the airport, the cat was unloaded with the rest of the luggage and her "legalized documents" were presented to the friendly customs agent who will want to keep the original. In our case no delay or confinement was necessary.

So, in summary...bringing a cat will run you at least $400 usd or in that neighborhood including transportation, accommodations,legal documents etc. I would advise in making another copy of the cat vet records for your vet in Paraguay. Good luck and have a nice trip.

See also

Living in Paraguay: the expat guideFormalities to bring your pet in ParaguayLooking for lawyers to help me with Residency/CitizenshipMoving from the UK to ParaguayGood value residency fixers

Thank you for these informations caja! :)


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