
Dutch taxes...

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Somehow Dutch people don't like to talk about the taxes. Well, it's not my favorite theme but I would like to know what an Net salary I (or my GF) can expect.

my GF is working on a 0 hour no rights contract - minimum salary of course as she doens't spek least she got a job.

She earns brutto 8,5 Euro per hour. Is it correct that the employer will reduce this 8,5 Euro per hour by 1.95 % taxes and 31.25% social security contributions?

That means she will get less than 5.70 Euro per hour?? And has to pay from this a private-public health insurance, overpriced rents, etc...?

Are this calculations correct? Is there a possibility of a tax refund?  Is it true, that in the Netherlands people pay more than 30 % social shit contributions from the first earnd euro? It's great for us as we don't get any benefits as migrants anyway...

Here what i've found on the web (source Wikipedia)

For 2012, income tax for persons under 65 is as follows:
For the part of income up to €18,945: 1.95%; tax on €18,945 is €369
For the part of income between €18,945 and €33,863: 10.8%; tax on €14,909 is €1610
For the part of income between €33,863 and €56,491 : 42%; tax on €22,628 is €9,503
On all income over €56,491 : 52%
For 2012, the total tax on income (income tax plus mandatory pension, social security and state funded medical care payments, all of which are a percentage of income up to a maximum) for persons under 65 is as follows:
For the part of income up to € 18,945: 33.1%; tax on €18,945 is €6,271
For the part of income between €18,945 and €33,863: 41.95%; tax on €14,909 is € 6,258
For the part of income between €33,863 and €55,491: 42%; tax on €22,628 is €9,504
On all income over €55,694: 52%

Oh brave new world, that has such taxes in it

See also

The tax system in the NetherlandsPersonal recommendations for a tax / finance advisorPay income tax over the money I make remotely in US1099 US employee living in the NetherlandsSpouse eligibility for the 30% ruling

This is one of the reason that I left.
It is normal that you pay taxes over your income, even the social security payments have to pay taxes.
These taxes are a sort of "appeltje voor de dorst", when you are old and don't have to work again,  you can retire and get money from the gouverment. Read: the money you paid all the time when you worked. If you get sick and not able to work again, you get a sort montly payment, this is why everybody pay taxes for.
Not oly for the social security but for many many other things.

And yes, from your netto income you have to pay the health insurance, rent, food etc etc.

There is a possibility to get a refund, therefore you can go to the Belastingkantoor in your area for more information.
If you think you don't have enough income to make a living, you can get compensation. In that case go to your gemeentehuis and ask what is the possibilities in your case.

Good luck.


hmmm... I'm just wondering, if it's possible to get some money/taxes/pension money back when leaving the Netherlands. Of course the account will be closed by the time any claims would be accepted...


mcdonalds pays 9.25 an hour..and if you are under 23 you get paid less and over 23 you get paid more unless you are qualified and specific skills or language skills and such.
the tax rate is 33 percent of your gross salary i believe

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