
Turkey citizenship

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Any guide me for turkey citizenship easy way

See also

Retire in TürkiyeMarriage in TürkiyeTravelling to TürkiyeHow to find a good immigration lawyer ?Residence permit

Hello khayal.

Welcome to! :)

Can you please introduce yourself and give more details of what you are looking for?

Thank you,

Andy B Kan?a


There is no way to get Citizanship without.
First and above all you need to
1.... Lived in Turkey without any breaks in your Ikamet for 5 years and only been out of the Country for 6 Months in that time

Or if after 8 years applying the above rule you can apply for long term unlimited Residency.

If you answer yes to all this send me a e mail and we might be able to guide you through the procedure. It is a long process. It took us to 2 years to get ours the other week



Getting married is an obvious solution. You acquire the citizenship after 3 years of being married to a local Turk.

Andy B Kan?a

That ıs the only solutıon get married, as i mentioned before it took 2 us years and we have only been out of the country 7 weeks in 8 years we finally got our citizanship in April this year there is no easy way unless you marry a Turkish National with no criminal record.

Andy B Kania


So, i've got a question for you yabancilar in the know. I have been in Turkey for 4 years now, married to a Turk and we are coming up on our third anniversary. I currently have a work permit through my employer.

I have heard that after three years of marriage to a Turkish national it is possible to work without  a work permit, that you are accorded the same right to work as a Turkish citizen. Is this true? Anyone know the rules regarding this? What sort of paperwork or administrative hoops do I need to jump through to get this done? Thanks! tk

Andy B Kan?a

Go to Nufus Vatandılık ın Istanbul you wıll get the best answer ınstead of speculatıon from People

Only my thought. If you are married to A Turkish Citizan you still have to apply to the Nufus Office for Citizanship or Work Permit after 3 Years Or your Employer can Apply on your behave a WORK PERMIT.
If you change your job you have to apply for a new work visa. Some work visa only apply to current job ONLY

Andy B Kania Avsallar

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