
Which bank opens accounts with passport

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So far, I've been unsuccessful in finding a bank that would open an account where I can deposit initial $5K or other amount so that later present it to the immigration.
Any recent experiences?
Thank you!

See also

Living in Paraguay: the expat guideSterling from ATM'sBank/cooperativa account opening.Currency ExchangeBank or cooperative account opening


Banco Nacional de Formento, main branch, teller 2. Walk through the security at the entrance and aim about 11 o'clock.


What type of account did you open at BNF (ahorro, corriente)? Did you get a debit card?


Banco Atlas in en centro will do it. It's a few blocks from the immigration office. That's where I did it. Good luck.


What I don't like about Banco Fomento is that they change the money to Guaranies meaning you will have to pay a little more (or a lot) in the long run.


Sud Ameris with certificate, to proof you have the necessary deposit, needed to become your paperwork in order ( you need a proof of cash )
For so far as I know, the only bank that does that. Plaza de la democracia , or streetname Independencia Nacional

General Services

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Banco Nacional de Fomento agreed to open an account. They want: "Certificado de vida y residencia" and "Certificado de Interpol". How do you get them? Thank you!


Vida y residencia you can get at the police station in the neighbourhood you're staying at. You will need 2 witnesses (testigos), meaning 2 people from the neighbourhood have to give you a copy of their cedula, telephone number and adrss. I think some police station ask you to bring the two persons but I'm not sure. Waiting time depends on the police station, in Sajonia it was ready in 30 minutes and in Fernando de la Morra I had to come back the next day.

Interpol certificate you get at the Interpol office: … 1a35e2cf75
I can't remember exactely what you need to bring apart from your passport (and some copies from the notaria) and some photos. You can pick it up the next day.


Very helpful! Thanks a lot!


Additionally, I've learned that you MUST have verifiable proof that you receive a monthly income if you're retired this is required UNLESS you happen to married to a citizen. Working presents an easier situation as your contract can be used to assist in the opening of your account.

For those who have their money back home...this income can be deposited into a bank in the states or whatever you're home country might be. Available for transfer by any one of several means to your new local bank. That verifiable proof has to be "legalized" at the Consulate General of Paraguay (see their website for the location you'll need to send your documents to as the various consulates are specifically designated for certain US states). I think that each document will cost $55 usd for the legalization (stamped and signed by consulate official).

This income can be retirement or investment etc. reflected in a bank statement or notarized statement or letter stating an amount or dollar range from a company. I'm by no means an expert, but offer what I've learned in the early weeks of 2013.

All of this notarization and legalization is bothersome but it's the law and they way they do things down here. At first I was taken back by the amount of times a document must be perused, scrutinized, stamped etc. but once you complete things you can catch your breath.

Most of this "red tape" is the direct product of the American government's Patriot Act and at their "learned direction". You know you can't be too careful when watching law abiding citizens and the like (tongue in cheek-wink wink). Three years ago, I could have opened an account in Asuncion with $1500usd and a signed paper which was to be sent to the Embassy of the United States along with of course display of my passport.

Best and easiest scenario is to go through the trial and error of getting your resident's card...then walk into most any bank and open your account with new card, cash and your passport.

I hope some discussion will be started on the relative strength of the local banks as there has been flucuation in the ratings of not only the Central Bank of Paraguay but also in several of the local banks in the country.


caja wrote:

Best and easiest scenario is to go through the trial and error of getting your resident's card...then walk into most any bank and open your account with new card, cash and your passport.

I have a residency card but was told at the banco Regional just my cedula and passport isn't enough I  need some sort of proof of income (contract, IVA, etc) even to open a "cuenta de ahorro".


FRESH UPDATES from the field. Something changed, and recently. NO banks in Paraguay open any kind of account, not even a CD (plazo fijo) if you don't have at least "admision permanente" card. In the last few days I passed through ALL the banks. The $5K deposit you have to make at Banco Nacional de Fomento, only in Guaranies, which they gladly accept with a certified copy of your passport and Interpol certificate. It is a no interest bearing guarantee, which you will receive back upon presenting the "admision permanente", which currently takes about 90 days or less, so I was told.
Interpol certificate is an easy thing: certify a copy of your passport (front and THE ENTRANCE STAMP!!!) + 2 color photos + 50000 Guaranees, you get it the next day.
Vida y Residencia - no so easy. You'll need copies of cedulas of 2 locals, a copy of your Interpol certificate and a copy of a utility bill even if not on your name. Try to get all that if you don't know anybody, good luck!
On a positive note: immigration seems to speed up the process, everybody swears that if all papers are in order - less than 90 days.


Hello Everyone!

First off, I'm so glad I found this website! There's so many knowledgeable people here that know important information about Paraguay that I'd never be able to find out.

A little background about myself. I'm 19 years old and I'm from America. I'm currently living in Foz do Iguassu, Brazil for about 3 months now. I have a friend here in this city who is Brazilian. I don't speak much spanish or portugues (adds to the difficulty getting around). I'm sure most of you know it borders with Ciudad Del Este, Paraguay.

I am trying to obtain a Cedula Paraguaya (Identification card), but I am a bit confused about the whole process in Paraguay. I find a lot of information misleading and sometimes hard to understand. :|

As of this moment.

I have my Birth Certificate, Criminal Background Check (Federal background check), and a tourist visa for Paraguay.

All of these documents are legalized by the Paraguyan Consulate from my state back in America.

I'm not sure what to do now. I was told to open a bank account with $5000 US Dollars, but I'm an American Citizen without the Cedula Paraguaya and don't know if it's possible.

Also what other documents, money, etc do I need to obtain a Cedula Paraguaya and if anyone can help me out with this problem

Thank you for taking the time to read this :)


Great information you provided! :D

I just 3 questions for you though.

       For obtaining an Interpol certificate I need to certify a copy of my passport (front and THE ENTRANCE STAMP!!!) 

1. Where can I certify a copy of my passport. Could you clarify what you mean as the front and the entrance stamp? I have an american passport.

    2 color photos

2. What size color photos? Is there a specific place to take them?

    50000 Guaranees

3. Can we pay in cash and in person?


1. You certify a copy of anything at "escribano", it is a notary, they are all over the place, the one I used is right in front of the Immigration. A stamp costs 2000-4000 Guaranees, depending on... their mood or the moon and the sun... something...
The entrance stamp is what they put in your passport upon entering Paraguay. Kind of proves your "legal" tourist status there.
2. The photos are 3 x 4 cm, any background, can take them anywhere.
You'll need 2 for the Interpol, but they'll sell you 6 or 8, take them as you'll need them.
3. 50000 Guaranees - yes cash only and in person, it is about US$12.50.


It is very helpful to have two bank reference letters from your home country to open new py account.

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