Teaching at PNU
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Fozia wrote:Hi All
I am new to this forum as I have been looking to get to know expats in Riyadh. I have been offered a job at Princess Noura University and I am looking to accept it.
I wanted to know if anyone has/is/will work there?
Im really nervous about the whole move as I don't know anyone there! Is it easy to meet people, and socialise?
Fozia, UK.
The first step is to be here on the forum :-)

on what Michael said above.
PNU has been discussed dozens of time; and also other questions you have put forward.
Michael said the first, TLL the second. Now I'll say the third:
There is a three month probabationary period. If you decide to leave (or they decide to let you go--which is improbable), it's no harm-no foul. Thing is you'll have to pay your own plane fare home if you decide to leave but you've got three months salary under your belt and can afford it.
I guess what I'm saying is that you're not chained here if it is intolerable to you so why not give it a try?
Good luck whatever you decide
Fozia wrote:Hi All
I am new to this forum as I have been looking to get to know expats in Riyadh. I have been offered a job at Princess Noura University and I am looking to accept it.
I wanted to know if anyone has/is/will work there?
Im really nervous about the whole move as I don't know anyone there! Is it easy to meet people, and socialise?
Fozia, UK.
I guess you have got the gist of what is being said! However there is one further ingredient that you are the only person who can add and that is your attitude. If you are not willing to try and join in things then you will find it difficult and lonely but if you are willing to try things even if they may not be your first choice then you will meet people and enjoy yourself.
I came out here a little over 4 months ago and spent the first two months trying to find my feet now I hardly have enough time to do all the social things and work. It is a little easier for a man to get around but get in with the right group and that isn't an obstical for a single women so much these days.
Dear Fozia,
Its depened upon your habbits and priorites in life. I can understand that you are coming from UK so you must be outward and open minded. Here you will find so many things which you must like but as part of the deal you also get something you may not like.
But overall you will have wonderful life here. I must say here you will make friends very quikly becasue other would have the same situation as you are in.
In my opinion join PNU without hesitation and read old questions and answer from this site and still you have new questions ask without hesitation.
Thanks, Kamran
for first timers saudi can b too dry and specially if you are not sure what u r stepping into then you are gone by far
Make sure
1. consider your saving goals
2. Analysze your salary against cost of living - dont go by the rumors that saudi is too cheap infact it isnt if you will lead a good life
3. udnerstand the culture and social bindings in saudi for women esp.
Hi Fozia
I think you will be given accommodation in gated community like..compound facilities, were almost westerns living out there.
Please try to adopt with following changes in your life:
- Wearing Abaya always whenever you go out, its not restricted to covering the face for mostly expatriates community here.
- Womens are not allowed to drive here in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Limo services are available.
There are so many things to tell you.......try to add me in skype ID: mohammedblues. I can explain you in details, whatever questions are going on in your mind, instantly.
I'm residing in Khobar.....its just 400 kms from Riyadh.
@sameer I'm sure Fozia will get more specific information from the other expat women at PNU (where the housing is NOT a gated western compound, fyi).
As for the common information (no driving, abaya, etc.), all this has been widely covered on this forum.

mohammed29 wrote:There are so many things to tell you.......try to add me in skype ID: mohammedblues. I can explain you in details, whatever questions are going on in your mind, instantly.
I'm residing in Khobar.....its just 400 kms from Riyadh.
After such a long long time, the smiley has to return:
TheLegendLeads wrote:mohammed29 wrote:There are so many things to tell you.......try to add me in skype ID: mohammedblues. I can explain you in details, whatever questions are going on in your mind, instantly.
I'm residing in Khobar.....its just 400 kms from Riyadh.
After such a long long time, the smiley has to return:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/ … eghump.gif
EXACTLY!!! I wanted to say that but I've been in a couple 'fights' lately and need to be on my best behavior for a few days
Alliecat wrote:TheLegendLeads wrote:mohammed29 wrote:There are so many things to tell you.......try to add me in skype ID: mohammedblues. I can explain you in details, whatever questions are going on in your mind, instantly.
I'm residing in Khobar.....its just 400 kms from Riyadh.
After such a long long time, the smiley has to return:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/ … eghump.gif
EXACTLY!!! I wanted to say that but I've been in a couple 'fights' lately and need to be on my best behavior for a few days
Yes Alliecat, I was quite surprised the claws hadnt come out. Now I know why ! :-)
michaelpakenham wrote:Yes Alliecat, I was quite surprised the claws hadnt come out. Now I know why ! :-)
Alliecat wrote:michaelpakenham wrote:Yes Alliecat, I was quite surprised the claws hadnt come out. Now I know why ! :-)
Hey Fozia
I am also going to join PNU this month. I have the same concerns as you.
I will surely update you with the situation once i reach there.
Hi everyone
Thank you for your replies, and advice.
Jewel Pearl, are you teaching there?
Nop, not yet. Will start this month.
What about you?
Have you signed the contract? If yes, then when are you expectes to join?
I haven't received the contract yet, so still waiting to sign. I hope to be there by the end of the month.
hey fozia,
good luck for that
but i have a question there isn't it a long process between signing a contract and heading towards ksa. because I remember I signed my contract in April and got my visa and everything ready in July.
jewel pearl wrote:hey fozia,
good luck for that
but i have a question there isn't it a long process between signing a contract and heading towards ksa. because I remember I signed my contract in April and got my visa and everything ready in July.
1 rule in KSA is that there is no RULE why I say that is because for one person something can be approved for other it can be disapproved.
Things can happen so quickly for some that you cant imagine. For me (I am a banker), I signed the contract and they sent me agent details. I have agent the docs the next day in evening and guess what the vexry next day 10:00 AM he got my visa. I was lucky I would say but point here is to encourage that things can go very swiftly too.
I have taken the job and just waiting for my visa! Cannot wait to move out there. Im going to be staying at sara residential compound. does anyone know if it is any good?
Hi! I arrive on Thursday morning! Any ladies meets up at the weekend?
Hi Fozia
I've been offered a job as an english teacher at PNU starting in Dec 2012 contracted for 1 year. Tax free salary plus free accommodation, medical, flights. Accommodation is at PNU compound in a single bedroom apartment. It was mentioned that I would have to pay for utilities i.e electricity...
I have been researching PNU and there are a lot of mixed reviews. Can you give me an insight to PNU+accommodation there if you've seen it, life out there for females etc.
I am interested in the offer made to me but would like to know more.
Sam UK
Hallo all. I am also new to the expat life,as this is my first time ever being overseas. I've been in Saudi for a month now and I have adjusted well. Working at PNU has been a good experience thus far. The students respect me and most of my co- workers are kind and helpful.
salam alykum . please fawzia .i need to know what are the questions of the interview. i need some help.
Go direct,but do your homework first before accepting,depending on which contractor you are dealing with. Follow your gut. That is my advice.
StellaDee wrote:Go direct,but do your homework first before accepting,depending on which contractor you are dealing with. Follow your gut. That is my advice.
There aren't any 'direct hires' at PNU. They use recruiting companies.
As for following your gut, absolutely agree!
StellaDee wrote:I currently work at PNU and they have new hiring policies,like I said,do your homework.
Since you're so knowledgeable, perhaps you'd be kind enough to enlighten us as to the new policies. That's what this forum is for.
AETG,SBC and EDEX are the three recruiters that have contracts with PNU and teachers who came via teach away ( to my understanding ) were given the direct option. Direct hires live on the new PNU campus,near the airport.
I work for SBC, so I would suggest that whoever wants to apply direct should find out from teach away exactly how the whole process works. That's all I know.
Thanks for sharing your situation! I really appreciate it. Could you tell me something about what it's like working at PNU and perhaps a little bit about living in Riyadh?
I used to work at a ladies training center and it was, to say the least, a very interesting experiencing.
I was wondering about a few things specifically, if/when you have time to answer:
1. How are the students? How big are the classes?
2. What is the demographic of teachers? Are there Saudi teachers? (They are the ones who gave me the most hassle, unfortunately and I'd like to know what I'm getting into)
3. What's your schedule like?
4. Are you considering coming back next year or do you feel that you absolutely wouldn't want to?
5. About what time do you start and finish? Is it the same time for all teachers?
Hope that's not too many questions!

cut the crap the CEO of PNU is my Uncle What else do u need ladies? i cant believe such kind of discussion lol
StellaDee wrote:AETG,SBC and EDEX are the three recruiters that have contracts with PNU and teachers who came via teach away ( to my understanding ) were given the direct option. Direct hires live on the new PNU campus,near the airport.
To my knowledge, 'direct hire' means there is no intermediary. The HR dept. of the university/company/hospital/whatever hires you. Since Teach Away clearly isn't PNU HR, how can it be 'direct hire'??
Teach Away & Auckland are recruiting companies. They are hired to go through the interview and selection process to help PNU find and get suitable teachers. T/A & Auckland do the "fun stuff": screening interviews, collecting & checking references, interviewing candidates, assisting prospectives by answering questions, etc. PNU probably doesn't want to go through the hassle so they hire Auckland and Teach Away to do this. Someone on a forum said that once the candidate is selected and starts work at PNU, she does not deal with Teach Away or Auckland again.
This has been my understanding so far.
Did you arrive? How has it been for you so far? Would love to know how it's going for you.
Allie Kat, I don't know what your problem is,but I am trying to help.
I am only a teacher,not HR. So forgive me for not being technically correct.
I would suggest that you stop commenting on everything that I comment on,since you haven't given any real feedback either. Unless you work at PNU as well?
Hello Kathiri, teachers who work for the PYP are mostly Westerners.
Most teachers are assigned to two classes (25-35 students per class). We have 4 hours class time and then 4 hours for admin and lesson planning.
There is a morning shift (7:30-3:30) and an afternoon shift(8:30-4:30),so it is 8 hours a day,five days a week.
Living in Riyadh has its challenges,but I have had no real struggles thus far. You meet a lot of like- minded people and there are many "societies" that you can join to make life a little easier.
The students are teenagers,so they are a handful,but you can't help but fall in love with them, cause they really respect who you are and this motivates you to teach them every day.
This is my first time working abroad,but I am returning next semester,because this experience has been very fruitful to my professional and personal life.
I hope this helps
Yes, Auckland and Teach Away recruit only,but you don't work for them. ( You will be a direct hire ).
The other three companies that I've mentioned are recruiters and you work for them as well,so they have contracts with other universities/companies. They place teachers where they are needed. PNU,summer programs, IELTS training etc.
StellaDee wrote:Allie Kat, I don't know what your problem is,but I am trying to help.
I am only a teacher,not HR. So forgive me for not being technically correct.
I would suggest that you stop commenting on everything that I comment on,since you haven't given any real feedback either. Unless you work at PNU as well?
You told ME to 'do my homework,' implying you know more than the rest of us. With that in mind, I simply asked you to share what you know.
Unfortunately, you came back with incorrect information regarding direct hire, which I then inquired about. No need to get your knickers in a twist!
Moving forward, Kathri absolutely NAILED it with her post, verifying the information I have been sharing but but adding that Teach-Away steps away after the initial hiring and teachers then deal directly with HR at PNU. If they are doing this now, it's certainly a positive step forward!
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