this is not directed at all the men but if the shoe fits...
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since I keep getting views on I think I'll change the mood of my original post.
to all the respectable men who know how to act, speak and not to mention, send appropriate messages...I say 'THANK YOU'
to the others(native egyptian men-the bad ones) that this post was originally for...please get some haya, manners, respect and most of all I say "shame on you". Your reputation has reached all 4 corners of the globe and I have to say that every word is true.
(haya) thats what we need.
A Muslim is one whom other people are safe from his tongue,acts and his hand.
I think there are men who are too pushy and forward and there are also women who are pushy and forward... the women have to take responsibility also.. they should not just start talking to a man in a store or on the street like its ok just kuz they feel like asking a question.or flaunting their body teasing everyone. I have seen many women here foriegn and egyptians that are out of line too. its not just men. its everyone. we all need to learn to respect each other.
and this is of course only to those guilty of of this. :-D
don moe wrote:(haya) thats what we need.
A Muslim is one whom other people are safe from his tongue,acts and his hand.
well said. thanks, some of these guys need to be reminded that their fingers will be judged on what they type...ahem fitna is fitna. doesn't matter how it's done, it's still the same damage.
layla1313 wrote:I think there are men who are too pushy and forward and there are also women who are pushy and forward... the women have to take responsibility also.. they should not just start talking to a man in a store or on the street like its ok just kuz they feel like asking a question.or flaunting their body teasing everyone. I have seen many women here foriegn and egyptians that are out of line too. its not just men. its everyone. we all need to learn to respect each other.
please don't remind me of this...omg. the things I see here don't and wouldn't happen in the countries that everyone seems to bash for their lack of morals. has anyone looked outside? People need to take a stand against the harrassment in this country. When I posted this, it was about an extremely foul message I received on this site. I can't believe how some people claim to be muslim when they act like the devil is their best friend. what's wrong with people here in this country? I never ever imagined the filthy actions I keep seeing. again the egyptian men and women have a reputation that is not one to be proud of. the sad thing is, it's all true......all I want to know is why? what happened to this country? what happened to the people? why have you lost your morals? where is your islam? where is your iman? where is God in this country? Is it only convenient on Friday prayers, Ramadan, Eid and muslim holidays? holiday muslims are you? as Egyptians would say "ikhs". I say "ikhs' to all of the people who have ruined this country and it's morals that were once honorable.
I think the things that happen here happen in other countries also.. (in the states everything happens). but its not religon based law in those countries so its more noticeable here.. also there are laws where even if you harass someone non-sexually you can get in trouble. thats the only reason some things dont happen often in so called "free" countries.. but can happen here because of the relaxed law. there isnt a law for everything here.
but i think the "islam" is ruined for many because of a lot of outside influence. people see things that outsiders think is ok when in Islam is is NOT ok... the the people get confused. I think its the "sinners have more fun" theory. also like the "catholic girl" thing.. in the states they say catholic girls are the worst because they had strict parents and when they got any kind of freedom they went wild.. i think its similar.
also the people who are born muslims doesnt mean they are good. just like christians too.. except a muslim cant renounce the religion like a christian can. I do know many god fearing good muslims who are very good people. the best muslims are the best people from my experience.
also i dont know the full egyptian history but i think in the 1960s or something egypt was a wild place..and then islam became popular again and women started covering and the people were more modest again and over all re;igious. not sure though.
but i mean in islam women are not supposed to talk to men that arent their relatives unless they have to. so how does this fit in with tourists and women who do and will talk to men so easily? i mean in egypt its a MALE dominated society.. so if a man makes eye contact youre supposed to look away not stare back. even though the men are supposed to lower their gaze also. i think of it like a dog.. if u see a wild dog on the street you dont stare him down.. you ignore him and walk on. LOL same thing.and dont run(attract attention) or the dog will chase you.
layla1313 wrote:also i dont know the full egyptian history but i think in the 1960s or something egypt was a wild place..and then islam became popular again and women started covering and the people were more modest again and over all re;igious. not sure though.
but i mean in islam women are not supposed to talk to men that arent their relatives unless they have to. so how does this fit in with tourists and women who do and will talk to men so easily? i mean in egypt its a MALE dominated society.. so if a man makes eye contact youre supposed to look away not stare back. even though the men are supposed to lower their gaze also. i think of it like a dog.. if u see a wild dog on the street you dont stare him down.. you ignore him and walk on. LOL same thing.and dont run(attract attention) or the dog will chase you.
LOL, comparing men to dogs are we I don't know what the issue is here but all I know is that they need to implement some laws NOW. But most importantly people need to understand their moral limits. Asking a woman or telling a woman you want something that is not permissible to you is just outright WRONG and disgusting. Let's not blame the west for our sins or compare egypt to the outside/western world. Everyone needs to have their own identity not assume someone elses.
Yes, the 60's here were a bit on the experimental side with westernized modifications being made to the society but it was the worst in the 70's and from then until now the society has deteriorated to what we see now.
Everything does happen in the west but westerners know their limits. My issue is we have laws, we have God's laws. Why have western laws been obeyed yet God's law that is MUCH OLDER been neglected and disobeyed?
too many issues, too many problems and too many people to blame. It all needs to be corrected by the individuals themselves.
I do agree no man should be saying or doing things that are haram.. no matter what, even if a woman is doing wrong .but if they are not true believers in Islam.. this is what you get. yes the ones who arent muslims in their heart but in name only, are dogs to me. lol thats how they act. in the states its common for the bad men to be called dogs.. that is how they act with their tongues hanging out and running around looking for this SHOULD bother men to be seen this way.
did you read the news about the egyptian women portesting in tahrir? they had men volunteers making a human chain around them to protect them while they protested the sexual harassment issues. i think much of the sexual harassment is to scare women so they will be afraid to get involved in the community and politics. the men are afraid of the women taking over. its a male dominated society. its been this way all over the world .. women have always had to fight for their basic freedom.
intimidation is their game. It seems that people have gone back to the times of pre-islamic ignorance. Arabs by nature had a unique history prior to islam and it seems that it's easier to practice ignorance than it is to practice islam. we can go on forever and ever about yes, some of them are rabid dogs and others are just stray dogs but there are ones that are true men to the core. The good ones are rare but alhamdulilah they're not
Everything does happen in the west but westerners know their limits. My issue is we have laws, we have God's laws. Why have western laws been obeyed yet God's law that is MUCH OLDER been neglected and disobeyed?
too many issues, too many problems and too many people to blame. It all needs to be corrected by the individuals themselves.
I totally Agree: God's law has been far neglected and replaced with Man's law. In fact the foundation of Man's law derived from God's law except they manipulated it to suit their on desires. And that's where chaos comes into play with society. Many societies ( people who control societies) has used religion to justify laws being mandated but then manipulated them to suit their needs. I'm only speaking in terms of what has and is happening the western world to say the least.
yes pre islam arabia was pretty serious i always say arabian men are the most manly men.. they run hot lol. yes thank go for the good ones :-)
but i think gods laws are disobeyed because people go astray. when life gets too hard they give up and stop believing.and it has been very hard for people here in egypt. some of the people are very innocent and its hard to understand how much of an impact outsiders have on them.
yes tawanna i agree.. mens manipulations has changed gods law too much all over the world. and with respect to the Qur'an many people only read a small part and dont finish the full it can be taken in a way it was not meant to be.
Ramadan kareem everyone :-D
Arabian men have a special strength about them and when it's used properly they are the BEST men on earth..but ONLY WHEN THEY HAVE MORALS AND RESPECT. I think the heat does have some effect on their personalities. as they are a bit hot-blooded but that's what makes them special. lol.
I think what you've said is accurate but again the blame game. In everyone's defense, Islam is a difficult religion to follow as it does requires us to analyze our every action. This effort is difficult in itself hence the magnitude of the reward for being pious. Life isnt' a joke nor are our deeds and that's what I mean about THINKING. I think it's too hot here to think...unfortunately. Let's just pray for a better situation in this country and the rest of the world.
Ramadan Kareem to all the muslims here and may Allah SWT accept your good deeds and forgive our sins. May our fast be accepted. Ameen.
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