
EOI help required urgently please

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Could anybody help clarify what is required in this question?  I don't know if I'm just having a stupid moment or if my brain is actually now definitely fried but it might make more sense to somebody out there....

E4:  Please indicate why your job is skilled.  Give a detailed reason to support your claim for your points.  We recommend that you first check our definition of skilled employment.
You should explain what is in your job description and explain how this is consistant with your occupational tasks for your occupation in ANZSCO.  Also explain how your recognised qualification and/or work experience is relevant to your job.  If you are claiming that your employment is skilled because it will enhance the quality of NZ's accomplishments and participation in that occupational field, explain
1. how your employment will achieve this: and
2. what evidence you can provide to show that you have an international reputation and record of excellence in your occupational field.

Now I've read all the relevant links and am still confused.
My husband is in Refrigeration and Aircons (although mainly industrial refrig) and has run his own business in South Africa but works for a major corporation here in the UK.

Please could somebody help?

See also

Getting married in New ZealandTravelling to New Zealandi need some help plzImmigration questionsSubmitted EOI

LOLOL. That is a tricky one.

Indeed, what they really want is for you to show them how skilled are you (amateur, or really specialist? skilled and attentif or clumsy?), how did you get the skills (talk about school or working experience), why are those skills relevant to your job (would you still have that job if you wouldn't have learned it?)

If you wanna make it sound better, you can always say how would your skills help NZ evolution and progress.

I went this way, and I hope it gives you an idea.



New to this and my first post, but a Fifer who has been here just over a year.  Try not to stress out too much over the EOI.  You will have plenty time to stress when you progress to the next stage.  If he is on the skilled shortage list, refer to that quoting the section it is listed under and give a general quote about his qualifications and the number of years experience.  I was told by my immigration officer they always give priority to those on the skilled shortage list first. So if he is on the list, I would not bother about the last bit (but that is entirely up to you).

Good luck


Hi kaztayli,

Have you got an answer from your question in 2009? My wife and I are kind of stuck in the same problem. I'd appreciate if you could let us know, thank in advance, best regards,



Hi Hermy85,

My wife and I have a similar problem to that of kaztayli in 2009. Our problem is that her occupation (she is the principal applicant) is ANZSCO NO. 234999 Natural And Physical Science Professionals Nec, which is described as:

"This occupation group covers Natural and Physical Science Professionals not elsewhere classified."

So I guess answering the EOI question is either too easy or too difficult. We know how to relate her previous experience and qualifications to her current job in NZ, but I don't know how to match all that to a description that seems to admit pretty much anything.

If you remember how to answer this, we'd appreciate it a lot.



Hi Ed
Wish I could be specific in my help but I honestly can't remember what we said. Just know that we had to take loads of info out.  Just fill in as best you can to get the points.  The ITA (Invitation to Apply) is where you can fluff it out further.
Just don't make anything up because you will need to prove everything in your EOI

From memory we literally put everything down...every aspect of his job and then whittled it down

Open a beer, Do some work on it, when it does your head in, close the pc and try again the next night.  It literally took me a week of working on it every chance I got to get it ready for the next selection which was two days after I submitted

Oh ..and try submit a few days early ...otherwise with so many people applying, it sometimes crashes the system or your application goes missing in the big interweb in the sky.

Good luck.  We were in NZ for 7 years before moving onto another contract.  We are Kiwi citizens and it is definitely home in every way


Thank you so much, kaztayli! We'll follow your advice ;-)

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