Be carefull while charging mobile phones and driving

hi guys

I would like to bring your attention to an important matter which has become a part of our daily life. A great revolution has been witnessed in recent years in mobile industry and prices of cell phones vary from highest to the lowest range. Chinese mobile industry has allowed each and every person to own at least one mobile phone.

Obviously when we have mobiles and use them on daily basis, they need to be charged battery. Most of us ignore the rules and regulation which apply in dealing with electrical appliances and hence suffer sometime, financially and very oftn physically too.

Please follow the these rules and instructions while charging your mobiles as well driving cars to avoid any sudden accident.

1 - Do not put your mobile close to you while sleeping, specially near your head or on chest as incoming signals can affect your ears, brain or heart.

2- Do not charge your mobile by keeping it close to your bed while sleeping. Over charging may explode the battery and cause you harm.

3 - Do not reply incoming calls while mobile is connected with charger and being charged. It could explode while you are talking and inflict grave injuries or may result in death. Just remove the charger from mobile and then reply to avoid unexpected accidents.

4 - Do not play with mobile or talk while driving as it may distract your concentration. A number of accident take place due to the misuse or accessive use of mobile phones during the driving process.




What do you do for a living?

I do all of those except texting while driving! So far, no explosions or brain damage (that I can tell anyway! :P). It's illegal to text and drive where I live, but people still take their chances.

:lol: @ satcomguy

I'm with you crittle I sleep with my mobile under my pillow... so looks like I'm slowly frying my brain every night! ooops :/


I had the same question! Like seriously

to quote the internet guys, YOLO - you only live once, and think about it, the world wide web, is in fact, THE MATRIX

we need to stay connected, to have all this info at the tip of our fingers.

so if its frying my brain, that's a small price to pay :P

legacy wrote:

to quote the internet guys, YOLO - you only live once, and think about it, the world wide web, is in fact, THE MATRIX

we need to stay connected, to have all this info at the tip of our fingers.

so if its frying my brain, that's a small price to pay :P

Thanks to rapper Drake, YOLO is everywhere! Ugh...

Y'all better watch out here, or you will also get an ominous PM, like I did. I guess my brain is just gonna fry...YOLO!!!

I take it it is more likely to explode because of the dodgy electrical sockets in Kuwait. if so then everything is likely to explode!!

glad my brain isnt being scrambled (tbh i wouldnt know the difference :) ) my mobile is at the other end of my room so i have to get up in the morning to turn it off otherwise i would never wake up lol


I noticed my memory has been sketchier these past few years and I was chalking up to being in my 40s - I guess I can now just blame my cell phone :)

Crittle who's drake :P? I got the phrase from those damn MEME's spreading all over the internet!

problem is ally, if u keep it far away, sometimes the noise it makes just isnt loud enough! i do want to get those crazy contraptions they advertise in email forwards, the alarm clock that rolls onto the floor and shrieks very loudly, forcing u out of bed to follow it and shut it down.

legacy wrote:

Crittle who's drake :P? I got the phrase from those damn MEME's spreading all over the internet!

Drake is the reason the term has spread! The kids here love the rap artist. There are shirts, hats, and all kinds of gear screaming YOLO since he released a song called The Motto (YOLO) last year. Now the kids in my area say YOLO at the end of every dang statement! :/

yeah I got one of those ominous PM's too! hehee :D

ominous PMs? is this a girl thing? :|

MrsIsmail wrote:

yeah I got one of those ominous PM's too! hehee :D

Aw and here I thought I was special! Hmm :P

thanks to sajjad we are all special ;) hehee

Well... here's the deal...
Yes, YOLO is in effect.
You more likely to to get struck by lightning than to have to your phone battery blow up in your face.
You are probably more likely to have the building that you live in colapse and kill you than to have your cell phone blow up.

And as for the radiation thing... Cell phones put out far less than 1 watt of power (typicly even a 10th of that or less). To put this in perspective, the directions to cook a frozen dinner is rated for a 1200 watt micowave (yes, the power(s) are relitive). You have VERY little to worry about...

Take it from me, I'm a satellite engineer and have been working in transmitions systems (RF{radio frequencies}) for 13 years.

Besides, how can 4.8 Billion people be wrong?

careful gang, SCG is PAID to mislead us, they got to u didnt they? :P

satcomguy. you may be right. such an accidents do not take place each and every day. They occur sometime, somewhere in the world so cure is better than getting treatment. Such incidentgs have taken place in kuwait and 2-3 people got injured. When you keep your cell phone so close to your ear and if due to weak battery overchaging if it explode right beside some one's head then what will happen. He will get the full shock. I am just requesting my friends to take care to avoid any uncertainty.