
Expat blog gatherings in Barranquilla

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Hi all!

What about meeting the other Barranquilla members in real life? Organizing an meet up would be an excellent way to know them! :)

An meet up can be a diner gathering, having coffee, a bring and share in a nice place, a cultural or sports activity, etc. There are plenty of possibilities: just imagine a pleasant way to meet new people and old friends from

Feel free to organize get-togethers in Barranquilla: you would meet the other members in a friendly atmosphere and have a good time together!

Of course, we could offer some help to organize your meet up and to inform the community.

So, who’s in? Do not hesitate to start a new thread to suggest an gathering in Barranquilla. ;)



See also

Living in Colombia: the expat guideNYC -> Barranquilla, AtlanticoNew in BarranquillaExpat gathering in Barranquilla - Thursday March 20th 2014Expat from the US

I don't know if there are many other ex-pats living in Barranquilla but I would definitely be interesting in a meet up somewhere if anyone else was.


I'm in on the gathering. Would be nice to hear English on occasion. Lol



I am relatively new in Barranquilla. I arrived here in May. I live in Las Moras but am planning on moving, with my girlfriend, to the north central area before the end of the year. I would love to meet other expats.


I'll be getting married in Barranquilla this December if all the paperwork is done. I'm not familiar with the North Central area, but I understand it's nice. My fiancée lives on Calle 17. We'll be looking for a home soon and from what I've seen it is going to be interesting.



so what about a meet-up? when and where?


Hello to everyone here--

I am also an American living in Barranquilla with my Colombiana wife. We are on the north side of the city in the Villa Santos neighborhood. Am liking it a lot, but also am missing speaking English with native speakers and also it has been a bit of a shock with the differences in holiday celebrations.

I have been in Barranquilla consistently since January 10 of 2013. Before that I was here for about 5 months in 2012 (also spent some time in Quito, Ecuador...which I highly recommend if anyone is interested!).

So, I guess I am saying that I would also be interested in meeting up with of some of the others on this board.

Talk soon,


Hey Joe,

I'm Ed and in currently in Barranquilla. My fiancee and I just set the date of our wedding. I'll be here til the 17th.this has been my 3rd trip this year here. I'm sure Keren has plans on us living here, no problem for me. After we're married we'll be looking for a place. We may move a little further south because of the heat. Keren is a licensed cosmotologist, so we're looking for a home where she can open her shop.

I'll be back near the end of February to be married. I think I'm more excited than Keren.


Hi guys, I arrived in Barranquilla 2 weeks ago.  I'm a Canadian from Toronto and looking to meet other expats.  I am willing to organize a weekly or biweekly meeting if anyone is interested.  Looking to network, etc.  Let me know.




I would definitely be interested.

Where in Barranquilla are you, exactly? I am in the Villa Santos neighborhood.

Talk soon,


That's interesting, I was there this morning running an errand.  I am in barrio Paraiso.


I am also interested. I live in barrio La Magdalena, been here in B'quilla since last May. I am teaching 21 students all in one company, but want more students.


HikingwithU and Wijos--We should all figure out a way to meet up or get together at some point.

Honestly, I cannot help either of you guys get more students. I pretty much work online and am persuing a different business model than either of you guys.

But it would be very good to find some English speakers, especially since mot of my Colombian friends are all in my wife's family.

Let me know if you two are interested.


Yes I am interested. Perhaps we can start by scheduling a day and time for next week. When would you be available?


OK, how about Wednesday or Thursday....ideally later afternoon or evening.

Let me know!


Thursday evening would work for me.  7pm?  where abouts?


How about Benito's....its on Carrera 53, next to the Rio Casino?

Thursday, March 20th.

Let me know.


that time and location (what is the calle cross street?) works for me.


The full address is Carera 53, No. I think the Calle cross street is 79.

The phone number is 304-8920.

Bear in mind that they have two locations. This is the one right next to the Casino Rio....NOT the one in Barcelona Plaza on Carrera 46 and Calle 85.

Hope this helps! Looking forward to seeing you guys there!


Perfect! So Benito's on Carera 53, No. 79-65 March 20th, at 7PM.  I will be there.  Looking forward to meeting you guys.


Hi guys, I'm so sorry but I won't be able to attend tomorrow.  I am teaching a class from 6 to 8 and I'm guessing after that is kind of late. Is it possible for us to meet on Friday at all?  I will be teaching from  6 to 8 Mon - Friday.


Friday won't work for me, sorry. Maybe next week on thursday (or any day monday - thursday)?


Yes, next Thursday sounds good for me as well.

I actually also had something come up.

How about next Thursday, say 8pm? Same place?



Hey guys.
I’d be really nice to meet you! Let’s hope next week is going to work out.


My wife and I went. Looked around and asked the waitress. Stayed till 8:15. Ate some greasy flautas. Didn't see any expats


I can do 8:15 next Thurs.


CTGBlues - You didn't notice the previous few posts? The meeting has been delayed/reschedule for thursday, next week.


I will be there shortly after 7pm tonight.  Take a look at my profile photo to see what I look like.  Looking fwd to it!


Good morning everyone! I was at Benito's last Thursday and stayed there until 8:30 or so, and I don't believe anyone else showed up.  If anyone wants to meet this week please post a reply here.  I can also suggest another place, Mazzino's which is at  Cr49 B No. 74-125.  This place is great for hosting expat meetings since they already host 2 English conversation clubs, one on Tuesday and another on Saturday.  The great thing about this place is that no one is obliged to consume anything and if you do, the prices are very reasonable.  I could also try and get a discount on beer if we decide to meet there.  Let me know.  Either way it'd be great to meet some of you in person.  Cheers!


I would be interested in Mazzino's...are we still thinking on a Thursday evening?


Yes, Thursday evening at 7pm.

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