
Men after women/women after men

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I think most of us have experienced this. Why is there so much harassment here in Egypt? A woman posts she's looking for female friends and she gets a bunch of guys replying. Even Men get harassed by women here in Egypt. What's going on? Is there something in the water? Is everyone a bunch of lonely horny people?

See also

Living in Cairo: the expat guideAbandoned in EgyptEgyptian and Malaysian getting married - what to do? Please guide me.Friendship and communityAny foreigners near Rehab City

Thnx to Hollywood

No my dear just some nice people trying to make new friends....

Magnum Psyche

How about the impression that was left along time by many foreign ladies here, no doubt that the Egyptian is horny as hell :)

also you may consider those who are trying to make nice relationship with an outsider so i think this is not harassment, and that would be funny if there is something in the water :D

women after men !! wish to experience this :lol:


After long time staying and observing Egyptians I don't think they know what it means. This what's in their mind when they see part of necked skin of woman it's illness. Our nature is close to the nature of animals, but we are different form them by controlling our nature and using mind. But most often Egyptians cannot control this animal inside them. For example if you look at movies form 1940-1960 when my mother in law was in faulty girls didn't wear hijab even! Walking in the street in mini was something girls were normally doing and no one get harassed them in the street, as this happening now. In Mansoura in her class there was 1 girl for 30 girls wearing hijab, all of them were surprised. Then county was becoming year by year more islamic and year by year real education is something not desirable for young generation. So now if you walk in the street with part of ur body necked all consider you bitch. That's why girls and woman decided always to wear hijab then nikah because they feel safe.




@madameNancy: well, if Egyptians cannot control their animal nature, then why ALL the Single girls are VIRGINS ?
i think that u're talking about other culture :)

Magnum Psyche

cenlin wrote:

well, if Egyptians cannot control their animal nature, then why ALL the Single girls are VIRGINS ?

hmmm............did you check em? ))don't believe all what you hear and don't speak all what you think ;)


lol dmx

PS: hijab is also a strong thing that a lot girls believe on, so we have to respect that & not be extremist


Simply, bcuz Egyptian guys won't marry a non-Virgin girl...
and i said Egyptian which includes Muslims and Christians, so it's not about religion, it's about the traditions, it's about the local manners. and i would say that i'm sure, wanna prove i'm wrong ? just Go and GET A GIRL.
may be i'm deceived, help me then ;)

Magnum Psyche

madameNancy wrote:

After long time staying and observing Egyptians I don't think they know what it means. This what's in their mind when they see part of necked skin of woman it's illness. Our nature is close to the nature of animals, but we are different form them by controlling our nature and using mind. But most often Egyptians cannot control this animal inside them. For example if you look at movies form 1940-1960 when my mother in law was in faulty girls didn't wear hijab even! Walking in the street in mini was something girls were normally doing and no one get harassed them in the street, as this happening now. In Mansoura in her class there was 1 girl for 30 girls wearing hijab, all of them were surprised. Then county was becoming year by year more islamic and year by year real education is something not desirable for young generation. So now if you walk in the street with part of ur body necked all consider you bitch. That's why girls and woman decided always to wear hijab then nikah because they feel safe.

I just wonder why people always relate sexual relationship to the animal nature, while in fact we share animals in many other things.... I think you have to stay more and observe Egyptians so you can realize that away from the standard guy that exist allover the world who stare, or harasses or whatever you can find that the majority of Egyptian couples stay engaged for 2-3 years may more and they barely hold hands thats what i call controlling the "Animal Nature"


Oh Dear Egyptians citizens finally I expect answers like this, but I’m very happy that we can discuss and explain everything. I’m living in Egypt enough time to understand what’s going on in the society, maybe just new members can believe that “All Egyptian girls / or guys are till marriage virgins!”

cenlin wrote:

@madameNancy: well, if Egyptians cannot control their animal nature, then why ALL the Single girls are VIRGINS ?
i think that u're talking about other culture :)

Really Im sorry but I must say – you made me laugh! ;) I don’t know if you visited any faculty during the last few years – thousand of girls playing, flirting with guys sometimes they are even more open to them then Europian women! Or simply just walk in any bridge in Cairo, and between trees you will find nice couples – wonder what they are doing! If this you can see in the street so plz tell me why among  young  people anal sex is very popular ? Maybe not to lose virginity?

cenlin wrote:

Simply, bcuz Egyptian guys won't marry a non-Virgin girl...

This ok, its famous statement, but if we want to discus about virginity we should say what exactly you mean. You lose virginity when you lose hymen, so doing anal or oral sex let you be a virgin who did sex, but still its virgin! (By the way for me its funny and shows how much people are naive and superficial).

Magnum Psyche wrote:

I just wonder why people always relate sexual relationship to the animal nature, while in fact we share animals in many other things.... I think you have to stay more and observe Egyptians so you can realize that away from the standard guy that exist allover the world who stare, or harasses or whatever you can find that the majority of Egyptian couples stay engaged for 2-3 years may more and they barely hold hands thats what i call controlling the "Animal Nature"

Magnum Psyche, please haram alaik don’t say kalam fady please! You are talking with me as Im stupid really! Did you visit any country except Egypt? If yes so sure you will agree that similar to Egyptian behaviors (but also not so brave as Egy) are behaviors of Italian, Spanish, Latin American men, but never ever you will not face harassment that in all countries among the world (sure you know the stereotype of cold European man – it comes by the true, they let woman life normal). For this cause I decided to wrote my 1st post, because I see it different then normal man behaviors.  Sure there is harassment in Europe, but there are very very few ( and when you complain someone you have full rights to go with him to the court if this happen in work) , in Egypt is the daily life – normality, more brutal.
Why they stay long in engagement? Normal time in engagement in Egypt its about 1-1,5 yrs, then if they stay longer to most popular reason is man is collecting money for marriage, flat and wedding what always take long time.




Mme Nancy waw, to much things inside your hearth .....


I would say this things are in my mind not heart. I don't give here emotional expression, these are facts I can observe while living here, dealing and talking with people everyday.



But do we really manage & control the transition between mid & heart or some times this happen alone

madameNancy wrote:

I would say this things are in my mind not heart. I don't give here emotional expression, these are facts I can observe while living here, dealing and talking with people everyday.

Mina Samy

you are mostly right because many guys see that when a girl asks for friendship they think she is easy to get or easy to at least can be (an open minded) friend ;)


cenlin wrote:

Simply, bcuz Egyptian guys won't marry a non-Virgin girl...
and i said Egyptian which includes Muslims and Christians, so it's not about religion, it's about the traditions, it's about the local manners. and i would say that i'm sure, wanna prove i'm wrong ? just Go and GET A GIRL.
may be i'm deceived, help me then ;)

As soon as you wrote in your profile you re French, how do you know so well Egyptian tradition? Sorry, but you don t think like a foreigner.
So, Egyptians don t marry a lady/ girl that s not virgin. How about women that for a reason they divorce and.... they marry again! Who marry them if they are non- virgin? Or are they? virgin I mean.
If Egyptians don t marry a girl that is not virgin, it means that a married lady is very secured, nobody wants her being non- virgin, so why they have to protect against men, and husbands to be scared that some men could want to marry their wives?
The subject is too long, and out- of - date, ... we are in 21st century !


Really I am feeling bad after reading all these replies, I am an Egyptian, used to live in Iran & Emirates. And I used to work in tourism for more than 8 Years (with different nationalities: English Speaking, Russian Speaking, French Speaking & Japanese Markets)
So let me please clarify something:

1. Regarding the non-virgin girls, Arab people wont marry a non-virgin girl because having sex before marriage is unaccepted in Arab Countries (99 % of the Arabian men wont accept that).

2. Men after Girls: it is very bad impression we have in Egypt that the foreigners are so easy to make sex with. but we had this idea because of the tourists who visit Egypt, (please visit Hurghada or Sharm Elsheikh & tell me if you can not get a girl to spend the night with you easily) but I do not mean that all tourists are easy to have sex with, but it is around 20% of the girls (especially  Eastern European ladies).
but in same time our religion is strict in this matter, and it is not accepted at all. but it seems that we (Egyptians) forgot about the religion.

3. Divorced ladies:
Divorced Ladies are respected, and they can re-marry, and being non-virgin is not a problem, as they were married.

4. Mr. Cenlin: I think you should respect our rules and traditions even if you do not like it, as we do not inter-fear in the traditions of your country.
we are Muslims & Christians in Egypt and we wont accept to get married to a girl who lost her virginity so easy (if you do not like this, so this is your problem. not ours)

5. Madame Nancy: we used to be the most friendly people in the world. and we still trying to be friendly, but the new generation is a little different.
A) Want to get married, but he do not have enough money (more than 50% of men in Egy are facing this problem).
B) Live & Work in another country for youth is a very big target, as they will be able to save money and can live a good life in same time. but they think that they can take the elevator instead of the stairs, and get married to European or American girl, so she will help him getting the Residency and the Nationality as well. so he will be wealthy so easy (that is why they are after girls)
and in same time some girls are after foreign men.
C) watching movies & series that picturing the live in the west is so easy to get a girl.
they take it as the common in the west, not just an example.
D) Controlling the animal in Egypt is easy, and I think that (Magnum Psyche) gave a good example, but I want to add more examples.
- In Dubai (Emirates): Two British citizens had sex on a public beach, and Indian surround them and took pictures and videos. and they were arrested in Dubai (Jumeirah Public Beach)
- In Dubai (Emirates) : Irish man & British girl arrested because of having sex in the taxi.
- In Fujeirah (Emirates) : a Russian couple had sex in the vehicle on the way to Dubai Airport (and driver complain and stopped the car and advised the man if he continue he wont take them to the airport.

I am really feel bad because we were criticized in this cruel way. but I confess that you are correct, but not 100% correct ;)




Thanks God, finally someone decided to replay ;)
Firstly I think in talking we should differentiate between tourism world (mixed couples) and normal Egypt (unfortunately in both we find harassment, I think its the reason why EnglishTeacher opened this topic).
Amr_moro, I would like to explain you more what I mean, because I think somewhere still it isn't clear.
1.    About virginity. This one sentence you wrote, really I agree, but its theory, in live maybe its true by few percent. As I mention above the matter is what you called by virginity. If having SEX (why anal and oral sex is so popular in Arabic countries?) in general is losing of virginity, or (naive and superficial thinking) losing hymen during sex means losing virginity? I mean sure young people maybe little less then in Europe but they practise sex before marriage, but this "save one" by which they don't lose hymen. Then for their future partner almost they promise they are virgins. Also talking about sex, losing virginity with girlfriends and friends isn't something popular (cause its prohibited) so the topic itself is silent.
2.    2. Sex in tourism is really never ending topic. Nearly every day I see it by my eyes. I wouldn’t explain why tourist in touristic places married to Egyptians divorce after max 2-4 yrs not the time for that. When you come to Hurghada from Europe believe me you are going there to take rest, not to do sex (don’t forget that 70% people coming 1st time to Egypt they are   prejudiced form Arabic people and Muslims. Then in the streets they fall we can say in the sea of Egyptians flirting with them, let them fell they are queens (just in talking sure), because they need something from this girl. To most common example what they need is : EASY SEX FOR ONE NIGHT (or more nights if girl is staying longer). They cannot get it from their Egyptian girlfriends so easy, so sure they will try it with another one European.  European woman also will not agree at once (here Im sorry Amr, proposition of sex after few meetings mainly come from man) so they need time to let this woman fall in love (its easy so do by brown eyes, “good look” and sweet words/kalam fady in my version). Then woman leave and memories from this night stay forever. At the end I will agree with you there are we can say 20-30% women coming to Egypt in one reason to do sex (it has also name sex-tourism).
3.    5D Ok 3 examples also shows animal behaviors (stupidly of this people). But here you have 3 and everyday there are some hundreds beside every bridge in Cairo ? This animal better you could understand if you are beautiful woman wear normal (as every Egyptian) in Cairo or in Hurghada you will listen only dirty words how much they want to fuck you. While doing shopping  when its tightly queue, why some girls can feel hand of man in their ass so often? In microbus when you sit beside someone you are the most tightly to the window only to be far from man sitting beside you and minute by minute he gets closer and closer to you, just to feel you beside. This situations happened for me some years ago and make me understand and hate this country sometimes.


@ amr_moro: you only speak about girls being virgins before marriage, but also men must be virgins before marriage!


I feel sick when I think about Egyptian men/boys. I feel like a monkey in a ZOO when they stare at me. Of course as advised I am wearing very modest clothes, but in fact it doesn't matter at all. I don't know any other muslim country but I have never met so disrespectful behaviour before. They are just DISGUSTING and I feel sorry for them and their women !!!

Magnum Psyche

Sorry some people made you feel like that

Not everybody is like that :)


ExpatEnglishTeacher wrote:

I think most of us have experienced this. Why is there so much harassment here in Egypt? A woman posts she's looking for female friends and she gets a bunch of guys replying. Even Men get harassed by women here in Egypt. What's going on? Is there something in the water? Is everyone a bunch of lonely horny people?

The answer is in 2 simple parts:

1- Being unable to get married because of harsh socioeconomic status instilled by authoritative corrupt regimes.

2- Loss of civility and culture from Egyptian community with the deterioration of education and the reign of the jungle law in the past 60 years.

Put these 2 together, decade by decade, people turned into animals.


Madame Nancy, I did not say that you are wrong, but I wanted to clarify some points, that we do not live in the perfect world & in same time it is not sin city.
the bus situation you mentioned is correct, I saw that before and I took action with the boy who was trying to do this.
regarding the anal sex it is clear in the Gulf area. not in Egypt (thanks God) as it is disgusting.
as for the touristic cities, I said before that I used to work in Sharm Elsheikh, and I swear that I had offers from girls to make sex (I was young & thin BTW) and I refused cause I was afraid (can u believe that?)
having these offers more than 5 times from different nationalities makes u think that Europe is living that way. but I remember that lesson in philosophy class (you can not confirm that a whole city  are same, unless you meet all the people living in this city).
but if any one else in my place, he will be sure that he can go to Europe to get ladies so easy.
in same time there is two hotels in Hurghada (used to deal with when I used to work for a Russian travel agency) I noticed that all reservations for this hotel is DBL RMS booked for two girls. so I asked one colleague in HRG, whats going on in this hotel, he said that girls go there as it is cheap. and they go out and come back to the hotel at the end of the stay (before check out)
so I asked where do they go, he replies they go out to meet Egyptian men, the men pay for the disco, food, bear...etc and they give them sex!!
as for the clothes, I can confirm that when I see a pretty girl wearing any thing, I just take a look at her, ( I am not an angel :) ) but I do not say a word, same when girls see a man in the street, they take a look as well.
but Egyptian Men changed as I said before, as they talk and want to get to know the girl.
I hope that morals & good behavior to be increased again in the Egyptian Men.
as I said we are not angels but we are not devils, we are Human & every human do good things & bad things as well. do not hate the country you live in and look to the full part of the glass (till the glass is full)
at the end I wanna tell you something, I like this topic and hope that you will feel better in your second country EGYPT.


Geely wrote:

@ amr_moro: you only speak about girls being virgins before marriage, but also men must be virgins before marriage!

Yes Geely, you are correct, and I did not mention that in my words, as it is clear, if men wont accept non-virgin girl, the girl wont accept a non-virgin man. :)


EnnA wrote:

I feel sick when I think about Egyptian men/boys. I feel like a monkey in a ZOO when they stare at me. Of course as advised I am wearing very modest clothes, but in fact it doesn't matter at all. I don't know any other muslim country but I have never met so disrespectful behaviour before. They are just DISGUSTING and I feel sorry for them and their women !!!

I think being in a different country makes you stick to our traditions, and I think you know that we are Islamic Country, so people do not see girls in hot shorts on daily basis. so they stare at the half naked body in-front of them. you do not like this? they are DISGUSTING!! so respect the Egyptian traditions to avoid the monkey moves. or you can enjoy your very modest clothes back in your respected country.


Specially if you are blond,
it not the case every where, but still good luck & be courageous :/

EnnA wrote:

I feel sick when I think about Egyptian men/boys. I feel like a monkey in a ZOO when they stare at me. Of course as advised I am wearing very modest clothes, but in fact it doesn't matter at all. I don't know any other muslim country but I have never met so disrespectful behaviour before. They are just DISGUSTING and I feel sorry for them and their women !!!


amr_moro wrote:
EnnA wrote:

I feel sick when I think about Egyptian men/boys. I feel like a monkey in a ZOO when they stare at me. Of course as advised I am wearing very modest clothes, but in fact it doesn't matter at all. I don't know any other muslim country but I have never met so disrespectful behaviour before. They are just DISGUSTING and I feel sorry for them and their women !!!

I think being in a different country makes you stick to our traditions, and I think you know that we are Islamic Country, so people do not see girls in hot shorts on daily basis. so they stare at the half naked body in-front of them. you do not like this? they are DISGUSTING!! so respect the Egyptian traditions to avoid the monkey moves. or you can enjoy your very modest clothes back in your respected country.

How dare you making accusations of wearing inappropriate clothings in your Islamic country. I always wear trousers, high neck T-shirts and only my elbows and lower arms are visible, and this is out of respect of your culture, but it makes no difference, I still get unwanted attention everywhere I go !!!  So don't tell me it is about clothing !!!

By the way, I have just come back from CityStars and I saw a lot of young boys taking photos of themselves in front of posters of female models; so even photos aren't safe !!!
No hope for future !!!

It is very sad because you could have a great country.

And again, these are facts not fiction.


This is fact, and from your side it is OVER ACT.
And how dare you to describe he country you live in as a Zoo???


I was describing the situation not the country.
So please read my text properly.


You are talking about dressing inappropriately and you put half naked photo of yourself on an expat-blog forum. What's that all about? VERY INAPPROPRIATE.

Magnum Psyche

EnnA .. i think that if the people are staring .. that doesn't mean something inappropriate .. i guess may be they see you beautiful so they stare .. people here in egypt are kind and they don't mean no harm .. take care :)

Magnum Psyche

Please everyone chill out :)

This topic is endless and in the same time it will not gonna change the existing fact whatever it is, so i hope that everyone just share his/her experiences

Enna .... I don't know, may be you are focusing on the guys between 15 to 25 years old, and the majority of this age is as curious as hell, try watching them if they spot a fancy ride they may pursuit for nothing just to stare.

You have to know that they will not gonna touch you, they just gonna try to pay your attention at most, its not all about foreigner girls only its all about every single girl

EnnA wrote:

It is very sad because you could have a great country.

And again, these are facts not fiction.

This is the fact that depresses every Egyptian who thinks about this country, so you don't have to remind :)

nice time everyone ;)

Magnum Psyche

Yavonne...Thanks for sharing your experience wisely ;)


EnnA wrote:

You are talking about dressing inappropriately and you put half naked photo of yourself on an expat-blog forum. What's that all about? VERY INAPPROPRIATE.

This is a beach pic. I am not moving around wearing swimwear.
and it seems that I did not deliver the meaning of my words clearly (it is my fault) I meant that this is the humans every where, when they see a pretty woman they must stare at her.
I felt bad when you said that my country is a zoo.
any way I am sorry as I saw that there is nerve in your words.
I wanted to clarify something. but you are convinced that Egyptian males are not human.
at the end, I hope you enjoy your stay in Egypt.


hi all, i dont think they are like that they are manly men. they what you must have been looking at them to notice. i didnt have the experience of "animals in a zoo" at all. i think egyptians are mostly helpful and friendly. and not to mention cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! :-P  *been here 7 years and counting*

EnnA wrote:

I feel sick when I think about Egyptian men/boys. I feel like a monkey in a ZOO when they stare at me. Of course as advised I am wearing very modest clothes, but in fact it doesn't matter at all. I don't know any other muslim country but I have never met so disrespectful behaviour before. They are just DISGUSTING and I feel sorry for them and their women !!!


i think the women cant speak english as good as the men generally.. unless its by the universities.

Yavonne wrote:

Just joined this site , and looking thru the threads , I stopped as this one with interest. I'm looking at moving to New Cairo in Oct/Nov and I'm amazed how this thread stereotypes the Egyptian  male . I've travelled to Egypt many times as a tourist and also visited Cairo on occasion, and stayed overnight. I have to say I have never meet so friendly people, mainly male Egyptians.  I have to say. I think Egyptian women maybe see foreign women as maybe a  threat , I could be wrong of course. So the Egytiian male has a little banter, really they have a good way about them. I mean as in funny and joking . when I come I dress accordingly to the culture, after all who wants to see a half naked women walking thru Cairo , that is asking for trouble ! My experience has been not too daunting. , yes I get stares, but I have never been groped or spoken too in a bad or sexual way. , maybe I have just been lucky ! I'm blonde but I don't see that as being any differant to a brown haired women. Maybe it's the fact I don't take any crap , meaning if a man was to approach me and he touched me, he wouldn't do it again ! anyway going back to stereotyping Egyptian men , well really you could go to other places in the world and have the same problem. What I'm trying to say I don't think the sexual harrassment is just in Egypt, I may feel differant when I arrive, Anyway it's good to read the comments here., and having an insight as what to expect , but I'll keep an open mind as to the sexual harrassment in Egypt


yeah and theres guys in other countries taking pics up women dresses.. what worse? lol

EnnA wrote:
amr_moro wrote:
EnnA wrote:

I feel sick when I think about Egyptian men/boys. I feel like a monkey in a ZOO when they stare at me. Of course as advised I am wearing very modest clothes, but in fact it doesn't matter at all. I don't know any other muslim country but I have never met so disrespectful behaviour before. They are just DISGUSTING and I feel sorry for them and their women !!!

I think being in a different country makes you stick to our traditions, and I think you know that we are Islamic Country, so people do not see girls in hot shorts on daily basis. so they stare at the half naked body in-front of them. you do not like this? they are DISGUSTING!! so respect the Egyptian traditions to avoid the monkey moves. or you can enjoy your very modest clothes back in your respected country.

How dare you making accusations of wearing inappropriate clothings in your Islamic country. I always wear trousers, high neck T-shirts and only my elbows and lower arms are visible, and this is out of respect of your culture, but it makes no difference, I still get unwanted attention everywhere I go !!!  So don't tell me it is about clothing !!!

By the way, I have just come back from CityStars and I saw a lot of young boys taking photos of themselves in front of posters of female models; so even photos aren't safe !!!
No hope for future !!!

It is very sad because you could have a great country.

And again, these are facts not fiction.


you do really no nothing about egyptians or muslims. seriously. you are like most people.

valibilic wrote:
cenlin wrote:

Simply, bcuz Egyptian guys won't marry a non-Virgin girl...
and i said Egyptian which includes Muslims and Christians, so it's not about religion, it's about the traditions, it's about the local manners. and i would say that i'm sure, wanna prove i'm wrong ? just Go and GET A GIRL.
may be i'm deceived, help me then ;)

As soon as you wrote in your profile you re French, how do you know so well Egyptian tradition? Sorry, but you don t think like a foreigner.
So, Egyptians don t marry a lady/ girl that s not virgin. How about women that for a reason they divorce and.... they marry again! Who marry them if they are non- virgin? Or are they? virgin I mean.
If Egyptians don t marry a girl that is not virgin, it means that a married lady is very secured, nobody wants her being non- virgin, so why they have to protect against men, and husbands to be scared that some men could want to marry their wives?
The subject is too long, and out- of - date, ... we are in 21st century !


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