An italian girl in Jakarta

Hi everybody,
I'm an italian girl and I'll come to Jakarta in august with my husbad (we're in Paris at present).
I know that it's quite difficult for foreigners to find a job in Indonesia, so I try to get some information in advance.
I'm an engineer and I've always worked in the environmental field.
Any suggestion?

Ciao G! Come stai? Would a transfer from your current place be an option?
If not, it's advisable for you to secure one before you come here, as it could be harder once you land.
The last option which you may want to consider is to teach Italian (if you're proficient, passionate and qualified that is) at the local Istituto Italiano. I believe they can always use an extra expert around.

don't worry. It's not difficult, it's just very long. Easier if you send resume and skills to different companies now.

At the beginning, I thought indonesian didn't take care about  the resume I sent.
I began to send resume from France in February.

I just have answers now. I am already in Indonesia since March and I was quiet scared of going back to France without work.

Now all my week is dedicated to interviews.

You can register here it's very good for finding work : As soon as you arrive here, buy an Indonesian phone card.

It's not like in Europe, you can't meet employers easilly, there is process to meet them.

Good search and never abandon!!
take care.

you can apply for any jobs on or , foreigners like you may apply to some companies in Jakarta by these website.

Ciao Giorgiad, i have been in Indonesia since December 2011 & sent many job applications,not many bother to reply.I advise you to send your details & applications now.

Welcome to Expat Forum.

ciao all! i want to ask about find job also. I'm from Italy, and intends to move to Jakarta and planning to look for work there. Since this is my first time to go to Indonesia, so I don't know how things are going there. Is it possible, if I apply early arrival for tourist visa, while holiday there i also looking for a job for a month, and when i find it, I go to immigration to apply working visa. Is that possible? or how it should be? In Jakarta I only knew my girlfriend of Indonesia. So i need information from you as an expatriate in jakarta. Thank you so much, i'm looking forward for your respon soon.

Ciao Michele,
Per quanto ne so io è l'azienda che ti assume che deve occuparsi dei docum per il permesso di lavoro, ma non conosco bene le modalità.
Spero che altri possano risponderti più dettagliatamente. In bocca al lupo!

@giorgiad -> In english please on this english speaking forum! :)

Thank you,

aaa va bene... grazie mille for your information

For all italians, if you want to make some income then you can join in IIC ! I am a student there and it took me a long time to have the class coz they are short of teachers !! ( could also because they are very strict in teacher selections because my current teacher is fantastic)



welcome to Indonesia, you can contact my italian friend, Michelle carpanelli, now he looking for italian partner to open new restaurant (italian food) in Kuningan city.

Hi Giorgia, maybe you can try the Italian embassy. They always need  extra help.
Enjoy Jakarta! :)

Sophie Fisher wrote:

Hi Giorgia, maybe you can try the Italian embassy. They always need  extra help.
Enjoy Jakarta! :)

I mean Italian Institute of Culture. haha.

here's the link … /Istituto/

Hi michelle..

Hope you will get the job in Indonesia according to your skill.

Spirit :)

[Moderated: :offtopic: ]

when are you likely to come to jakarta, There is a part time Italian translator position available in jakarta you may contact us in

visaganm wrote:

when are you likely to come to jakarta, There is a part time Italian translator position available in jakarta you may contact us in

Hello! it's been long time. So, probably i'll come to Jakarta around October or November, is it still available? i'll contact you via email that you gave to me then, thanks lot! :)

princess sandra wrote:

welcome to Indonesia, you can contact my italian friend, Michelle carpanelli, now he looking for italian partner to open new restaurant (italian food) in Kuningan city.

So, may i know your friend email or any contact number to know is it still available the job that you offered. Thanks :)

welcome to indonesia. i am surrprised that italian people love searching jobs especially in jakarta. For job apply maybe u can buy some news paper such as KOMPAS buy only saturday published.

Ant.C wrote:

Ciao Giorgiad, i have been in Indonesia since December 2011 & sent many job applications,not many bother to reply.I advise you to send your details & applications now.

Welcome to Expat Forum.

hey ant, where do you live?
kind of job that you do?

Hi Pangki Sudirjo,

Please note that this post is a bit old 2012 ;)

Feel free to start a new topic with all your questions on the Jakarta Forum please

Thank you

Expat-blog Team

Ciao Giorgia, already in Jakarta? I recommend Instituto Italiano da Cultura in Menteng, Kuningan for starter in finding info about Italian people, since I also study Italian there. Don't hesitate if you or your husband want to contact me anytime.

Benvenuti e divertitevi!

[edit note: oops, sorry, i've missed to see that the post was more than one year ago]