
Est-t-elle une bonne idée de vivre en Turquie?

Nouvelle discussion


Salut tout le monde,

c'est ma premiere discussion ici, et j'ai besoin de votre aide.
Je pense de m'installer en Turquie (Istanbul peut-être) dans 2 ans, apres que je finisse la fac. Mais je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut faire, les demarches, etc... Mais j'essaye d'apprendre le turc toute seule, ca marche mais je suis debutante encore.

Alors est-t-elle une bonne idee? Et par ou commencer? Trouverai-je un travail? Je parle l'arabe, le francais, l'anglais et l'espagnol. Vraiment j'ai tres envie de faire ca, de prendre ce pas, et je vois que beaucoup de gens l'ont fait et sont tres satisfaits, alors j'apprecierai beaucoup votre aide.

Merci d'avance,


Hi. My French isn;t great so I will type this up in English since you said you speak English.

Speaking Spanish, French, Arabic and English are all cool, however if you want to work here you will have to learn Turkish, unless of course you are in an expat status, which you are not.
Learning Turkish by yourself must be difficult so why not take classes?

You may look for jobs in teaching, mais this year's teaching positions are all taken I assume. But it doesn't hurt trying.
Many elementary education institutions hire native teachers. English and French are always in demand.


Thanks a lot for answering me.

Of course you can write in any language i speak. Well it's a great idea, the teaching jobs, but since they hire native speakers so the only language i'm gonna teach is arabic, and teaching arabic is so difficult, not like other languages.
Well i think i need luck, wish me luck on finding a job when i get there. Who knows, life is full of surprises.

I'll try to teach myself turkish at first and see if i get good at it, well it's a great thing i'd feel i've done something very good, if not i'll get courses :)

Again thanks for the advice, i really appreciate it!!
Take care

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