
Anybody in Copenhagen wanna meet?

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Hi everybody

Just curious if anybody in Copenhagen wanna meet? Just for a coffee or something, would be nice to meet other fellow foreigners in this cold cold Danish capital :)


See also

Living in Copenhagen: the expat guideIndians in DenmarkContacts for English-speaking teen in/around Roskilde/Copenhagenwish to make new friendsWant to be friends with a Dane?

Why not!
I only know french people here so that would be nice!
You can send me an e mail and we'll meet when we can if that's ok with you.
My boyfriend's here with me and he would come also.
We live in Frederiksberg.

see u! :D



The message's a bit old, but I you're still looking for someone to meet up, I'm in Copenhagen, on Nørrebro more exactly, and I'm French, but unlike Sonia, almost don't know any other French here, but I don't care much, wherever you're from, could be fun meeting.



I;m due to work in Copenhagen start Sept. Trying to find a apartment now. Any advise? I;m from Singapore

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