
some questions about life in AL Ain

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Hey guys,

Thanks for this great forum!

I am new here and I have some questions to you guys who have experience of living in Al Ain. I live in Sweden.

I am considering a university position as a senior lecturer.

I would like to know about:

1- cost of living in Al Ain (rent, food, cloths, etc)
2- traffic and roads in Al Ain (considering the fact that I have a one year old child)
3- weather during December, January, February.
4- would you consider Al Ain as a a "big" town with regard to accessibility.
5- Are there good gyms there (with mixed gender?)

I personally speak Arabic although I am not an Arab but still, I find your knowledge and experiences as invaluable if you can share it with me.

See also

Living in Al Ain: the expat guideTravelling from Dubai to Al ainCarpooling - Carsharing from Al Ain to DubaiWant to make friends in Al ainHow to complain against landlord

Hello Dante and welcome to!

Do not hesitate to browse through the forum as it may help.;)

There are also some articles in our participative guide which may useful.

All the best,


Hi Dante,

is few months i live and work in Al Ain but i guess to help you about your questions:

1 The cost of life in Al Ain it's pretty cheap more than that the life in  Abu Dhabi and Dubai, there's a various offer of Malls and also the flats are affordable, however depend from the life style you want, but if you want really save money the downtown is the right place.

2 I don't know in sweden which kind of traffic there is, i'm come from Italy and believe me here i forgot what's mean traffic, the roads plant of Al Ain is a grid with a lot  of roundabouts and all the roads are compound not less of three lane.

3 About the weather in those months, the temperature by day it's always above 20 degrees even if by night drops dramatically between 5-10 degrees due to its location in the desert.

4 Al Ain have almost 800.000 population in consequence have several hospitals of very good quality, there are various universities and all the government offices are located in the same area really easy to access and believe me will be very useful if you'll decide to take the residence in the Emirates...but maybe you want to know something else about this point.

5 There is few gym in Al Ain and a lot of them are not unisex so the times are influenced by shifts for men and women, personally I've subscribed with the Hotel Rotana's gym that it's unisex and always accessible with a very good facilities also if is a little more expensive than the others.

A last personal consideration, Al Ain it's a very quiet city, no criminality, no chaos and very cleaned but the other side of the coin it's that Al Ain could be very boring and so difficult to find new friendships also if the city is pretty populated by foreigners that however haven't meeting places to interact between them, often i'm forced to go to Dubai or Abu Dhabi to spend my leisure time with my wife.

I hope I was helpful and i'm always available for others doubts.


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