
Friends in Stockholm

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Hi everyone! I have been living in Stockholm for a while now and as a lot of you it seems, I am having difficulties making new friends here so thought I would try this approach. Would like to make some more contacts to socialise and do the usual things such as exploring the city, going out for coffee/drinks, concerts etc. I am 30 years old, single and female and am particularly interested in making some girl friends who are "in the same boat" so to speak. Please get in touch via this post/message me if you are interested. Take care all.

See also

Living in Stockholm: the expat guideSouth African in Stockholm wish to meet other south africansNetworking in StockholmWhere can I make friends the best?i would be happy if any filipino make friends with me

i would love to hang.. I'm 25 yrs old. been here in stockholm for a year and still no friends. hoping i could meet new friends here..

Danny Mora Romo-Leroux

do u recommend me Stockholm for livig?


Hi Emma,

I am looking for friends also - I just moved here last week from Scotland and it would be nice to have someone to explore the city with.  I am 33 years old, I have a boyfriend but he isn't moving over so I'm pretty much in the same boat as you.  Would love to hook up whenever you're free if your still on the look out!


Pamela CF

Emma and Claire

I'm looking for friends too. I'm 38 years old, argentinian and I love concerts, tour, etc. I'm married but my husband stays in Italy.
On may 3th I'm arriving to Stockholm and I'd like to meet you.



is there any asians in stockholm? does swedish people like asians?


hi i´m new i´m spanish do you like anyone One Piece or Yugioh???


Emma, Claire and Pamela

Hello, I would also love to join if there's any girls gathering in English speaking... I am 31 yrs old Japanese girl(Single)and been in sweden for 1.5 years now. But i am having a really hard time to meet people outside work. So if I could meet new people, that would be really nice! feel free to get in touch with me!



love to meet you also guys,,,im apple from philippines


Hi Emma, Jasmin, Claire and Pamela

My name is Deni and I've been living in Stockholm for 4 years and I love to explore Stockholm especially in the summer. Just give me buzz here or through my email address:

It would be nice to have friends who to enjoy summer here :)
Take care!



Hi everyone!!!

I'm Ines, 33 years old portuguese girl and new in Stockholn for 3 months now and would like to meet you and make new friendships!!!

Maybe we could arrange a meeting??!!! That would be fun!

My email is

Let me know if you're interested!!!



hi, im 27 y.o. living in Sollentuna. i would liek to find some friends here as well, where i can bond and have some time together outside. hope we can meet up next week in stockholm city.



Its been three months here in Sweden and it takes forever to make new friends.Im a guy 31 and open to meet with anyone or group for coffee, sight seeing etc..

Please let me knwo if you are interested




Hi InesM, Ms.cebu, Vikye and all!

Im 27 years old from Bangkok, Thailand. Now i am residing in Stockholm for around 3-4 months. Would be nice to catch up with new friends, from any countries and have interested to make friends. I will be glad to get a contact thru my inbox here.

Hope to catch up for some coffees or city exploring.




I am an ex expat, so I am Swedish, but I like to meet new friends too.

There seems to be many of us looking for new friends here, how about we arrange a get-together this summer? A pic-nic in a park? Everyone in this thread! And anyone else reading of course.

Write in this thread til we can arrange a date.



sounds good am tired of asking my husband to accompy me every where need some friends


I m here for some new friends and like minded people , i m planning to move to dubai in next few few weeks..


hi everyone!  I'll be arriving in stockholm next wednesday if anyone wants to get together, i'm a 23 year old (single) music teacher from the US who will be teaching starting in the fall :)  my email is, hit me up! 
also, if you guys are having trouble meeting people, try, there are a few groups in stockholm for like-minded people who want to go out and meet people and do fun things!


Hi everyone,
My name is Jola. I have been in Sweden for 3 months.
I would love to meet new people and make new friends.
Feel free to get in touch with me.




greetings everyone

i have been in sweden now for almost four years and i would love to meet new people and have some fun... i am 43 years old divorced with 3 kids

best regards


Hello girls!
I'm new here in Stockholm, Iv been here for 4 years but I lived in another city... Now I live in the center of Stockholm and looking forward to meet new friends here. Btw I'm 20 years old... Feel free to text me

Kind regards,


Hello Everyone,

I'll be moving to Sweden in this September. Would be interested in meeting new people and making new friends to hangout.


A Lavinia

Hello everyone !

I am  Lavinia and just moved to Stockholm 1 month back. I like to hang out and meet new people and if possible, make some new friends :D Looking forward to see some answers !

Have a lovely day !:cool:



hey there ,
did u get some1 ^^
i'm 2 lookin 4 some1 here in Stockholm

so if there any1 interested just add me in MSN :

yh i'm 4m Saudi Arabia , 19 yrs old

I got here a week ago ^^


if anyone is interested to have a chat or meetup in Stockholm, let me know... I am also very much interested in making new friends :)


hi guys,,,
i am very intrested to meet up new friends also

mohamed soliman

hi  all will be in sweden next frieday  any body want make friends :)

Pearl Jewell

Hello there Emma, Clair, Pamela, Tommy and Everybody!
I'd love to join your "group"! I'm married, 32, y.o. and would like to extend my network with married and multicultural peep. Let me know how can I reach you guys. Hope here from you guys soon! Hugs (:


hey hai I am the luisa live in Zurich and would like a new friend i stokholm find you possibly pleasurable times in one weekend to go out


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