
How did you move???

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Not sure where to post this?!
Has anyone moved with household items, clothing, etc. computer but no furniture?
Seems awfully hard to understand the requirements about valuing the goods. I have no idea how much were the things we own. Some we brought with us from Aust. some we bought here in HK. How do they work out all these at customs? As how much tax we will have to pay?
We are suppose to keep all the receipts? I did not keep any!

Oh Boy, are we in trouble now? We contacted a Turkish International moving Company they told us about KGs an Euros, value tax for goods but did not specify anything eg: over 35Kg is so much etc. What ever that means.

Did you have to pay tax on personal items or only on small electrical kitchen gadgets? Very confusing.

Any reply would be appreciated!

See also

Relocating to TürkiyeMoving with your pet to Türkiyeplanning to settle in bursa iam frm S.indiaArea’s to live in IstanbulMoving to Turkey for Business Purpose

Where are you moving from?


Hong Kong, 27th August 2012.


We did exactly what you are describing, but it was 4 years ago and was from the UK so I don't know if the same will apply.
I found that if I could actually take all our possessions with us on the same flight as us, a lot of the problems could be avoided.
At that time BA offered a great deal on excess baggage, so that I could take cardboard crates of a certain size and up to 30kg each at a very cheap price. I took 10 of these with me, (my wife came on a separate flight with our dog and with a pc in her suitcase)
containing another pc, a printer, power tools, kitchen electricals, kitchen utensils, clothing etc etc.
I listed the contents of each box and attached it to the boxes, and kept a separate list. It was important that everything appeared to be used, so that we were only bringing these goods in for personal use.
Customs were a little surprised when all these boxes rolled off the suitcase conveyor, and I was stopped. I was asked why I was bringing all this in, and I explained that we were coming to Turkey to live. The boxes were opened and checked against the list. However, after finding that the first few they randomly checked contained what the lists said they did, the rest of the search went quickly, the boxes were all resealed and I was allowed on my way.
Our pcs were actually new (as were other things) but I packed everything without its original packing so that I could say it was used. As I had only one of each item the criteria of being for personal use was satisfied. I wasn't asked to pay any tax.
I would stress that this was my personal experience and that things may well be different now, perhaps others have brought similar goods in more recently and from other locations.


Thank you for your detailed reply.Our goods will go cargo. The moving company will have to list all serial No's for elect. goods
and make detailed list packed in every box. When arrives in Istanbul, we will have to go with our passport, residential visa, tax No. and working visa to claim the goods, then the moving company will deliver it to our house.
These are the rules and regulations of Turkey for our end of the world! So far everything is going to plan. Our cats are coming with us as excess luggage with all the required paper work. We never ever move again!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you, I wish you well, and share your sentiments about not wanting to move ever again:)


I just move from Iceland to Istanbul with my things
Turkey is the most difficult country to move your items.
the customs and cargo agents are thieves..

I paid all my cost for personal items with a list of all my items.
when i arrive there the agent that made out one paper fore the arrival demand 1534 dollars and still wanted to demand more than double to collect them from the customs saying it's customs charge..and the extrs cost for everyday the items stay at the customs.

I decided to contact someone that work within the customs to check out my items trough a friend, and found out that the cargo agent was about to steal half of the customs , the cost was half the amount for the customs checkout than they mention...they are are thieves if you don't know people to do you important businesd for a much smaller fee.....


Sorry to hear about your bad experience.Yes one never knows how will the custom treat one!  We are using Allied Pickford International Movers, they have a very good reputation. In Istanbul Bergen International Movers will take over to get us through customs and deliver our goods to the house. How it will go?  Who knows!Goods can be replaced, We only worry about the cats. 18-19 hours is a long time for them in the cage even though they are totally indoors cats. We hope they can go through customs quickly!

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