A present from England

I have a friend in Saskatchewan Canada that I hope to visit soon. I would like to bring some presents that are English for their family to thank them for letting me stay. Can anyone offer me advice as I do not want to carry something on the plane that they can get at any Walmart! Thanks for any help/ideas.

The best thing you could carry over would be some decent chutney, the traditional t-shirts/etc. with the London Underground symbol, posters from local events, and maybe some make-up.

Those are good ideas - Thank you. The London Underground theme is a good one... why is make up  good one???

Well, as a Brit Canadian I've been hopping between continents for my entire life. I've always preferred England's make-up to Canada's stuff. Also, just the idea of "London's make-up" is enough to make any girl happy :P

Being Canadian in England I would suggest Pim's, Minstrels (or other galaxy chocolate), a couple copies of Gratzia, Harbio Sweets, McVities Digestives (chocolate caramel kind), and millionaire shortbread. 

Mint Aero hot chocolate, the one that bubbles - I don't think they have that in  Canada... not 100% sure though.

I would say clotted cream but you aren't allowed to bring back dairy :(