
Elected offical contact ?


Good morning.  Can someone please send me the contact information for the federal congressional representative for the Cotia, Sao Paulo area?  I want to see if they can help with my eVisa issue.



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Living in São Paulo: the expat guideNetworking : Travelling solo around South AmericaMaking new friends São Paulocourse in Portuguese and make some friendsHi. Any Nigerian in this forum?

    01/03/24 Good morning.  Can someone please send me the contact information for the federal congressional representative for the Cotia, Sao Paulo area?  I want to sew if they can help with my eVisa issue.ThanksJames         -@Enprize

Hi, James.  That's not how either the federal Chamber of Deputies or the State Legislative Assemblies work in Brazil.  There are no districts, they're elected at-large in a proportional representation scheme that assigns to each party the number of seats that it wins, which are then distributed to candidates based on the number of votes each one received.  "Constituent Services" in the sense that Americans are used to don't exist in Brazilian legislative offices.

Only senators are individually elected.  São Paulo's current senators are Marcos Cesar Pontes, Alexandre Luiz Giordano, and Mara Gabrilli.  You can contact the Senate through this site: … comosenado

But they don't do Constituent Services, either.


    Good morning.  Can someone please send me the contact information for the federal congressional representative for the Cotia, Sao Paulo area?  I want to see if they can help with my eVisa issue.


Your congressman vote here is not by Ward ( District). It is at large. As Statewide. Maybe, with some luck you can locate your local politician running an office out here.   

Besides, these mooks could not help you anyways.  Get an immigration attorney, or some despachante. It is how it works around here.


01/05/24 @ Enprize.  Looks like you're in the clear, James,  The visa requirement has been pushed off to April: … nformation