@Alexis Mandrake
Thank you Alexis for sharing your experience, which seems to have been a nightmare.
My goods arrived just before Christmas.
Based on the advice of a friend I had an adviser ("asesor") with me as replacing the custom broker ("despachante") of the moving company would have been very difficult. They had me cornered.
The customs clearance was a horrible experience. There are some rough necks called " tonelleros" which can and will break anything that your moving company has handled carefully. One company seems to have the market cornered and they are BAD.
On the positive side is to be mentioned the customs officer. My packing crew had raised a lot of valid questions in her mind by mislabelling items. Lucky for me I could talk to her directly and I could get many things straightened out. Their job is certainly not easy, but the officer at least was as decent as she was intelligent. So it is my recommendation go yourself for the inspection, preferably with someone that knows what they are doing.
All the best in 2024