
Types of Visas available for DR

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I have searched this forum and the internet far and wide to no avail; hence, the new post.

I know that things change in DR processes and am not asking a process specific question; rather, I am asking a clarifying question.

When my partner, who was born in La Republica, and I move to La Republica we are not sure which vias options are available to us. I did at one time find the different types of visas on the internet; however, I cannot find that information again; hence, my post to this forum.

I already know that we will be going through Lisali (Lilly) for our process for as my father always said "give unto Caesar what is Caesars. Pay a mechanic to be a mechanic, pay a plumber to be a plumber, pay a lawyer to be a lawyer."

Now my question. as of today, 25 October 2023, what are the various visa types available to ex-pats?

Please know that we want to retire and live in La Republica.

I thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

See also

General visa requirements for the Dominican RepublicResidency and medical examinationImmigration and Overstay IssuesMarrying a Dominican in the DR: tourist visa or fiance visa?Getting DR residency while already in the DR

Here is the link to the DR Embassy page in the US.  You might be looking for a Family Reunification visa?  Maybe?  I'm not an expert.  I can only point you to official sources that might give you the answer.

That page lists the available visas and also has a "What kind of visa do I need?" option. 


I think the question is what kind of residency do you qualify for. 

If you are married then famous ly reunification as your partner is Dominican.

If not then options are pensioner or investor


Sorry for typos too early for my fingers!

Should say family reunification


Your partner should have or be able to get Dominican citizenship since they were born here.


@planner I knew what you meant, no worries. Heck, I typed " of today 25 October...".


Good morning all.

Thank you to all of your for replying so quickly and for the information!

Have a super-fantastic day!!


Follow up question.

I am a bit confused on the timing of visa application.

I quality for pensionado and family reunification visas.

When should I apply for one of these two visas?  I ask as the wording on the process is a bit confusing.

Do I apply before I plan on moving to DR or after I am already in DR? 

What is the what?


You should use a lawyer......... take care of everything for you

Normally, the process starts in your home country


Thank you WillieWeb. I plan on employing the services of Lisali Baez as recommend by planner.


All of them start in your home country.


Willie and many others recommend Lishali as well.  In fact, I believe I first heard of Lishali from Willie!!! And I am forever grateful!!! 1f60a.svg1f60a.svg


@planner thank you as always.

With each passing day, I get more excited about the prospect of us living in Dominican Republic.  We are ready for a new chapter in our lives. 

Have a grand day!


    Willie and many others recommend Lishali as well.  In fact, I believe I first heard of Lishali from Willie!!! And I am forever grateful!!! 1f60a.svg1f60a.svg-@planner

Yup.......... correct........... I've been with her for years, since she was at Guzman

Has helped me and many, many others....


I am looking into this now for family reunification.  I am married to a dominican and my daughter was born here she is dominican/American.  I am American.  I contacted an attorney they wanted around $3,000 which seems like a lot.  Does anyone know how strict they are with criminal records for over 15 years ago I was never sentenced to prison but the charges I was arrested for look bad on paper and it is $150 per page to get translated for the FBI background check so it comes out to $5,000 I would have to pay for all the pages is there a way to reduce this cost?


Wow that seems like a lot.  None of us have the knowledge or experience to advise you on this.  Contact Lishali Baez and she will give you an honest opinion based on her experience.


Yes, it's a simple question for lawyer with experience

My friend just got residency and had an old (false) charge on his record.


i did not ee a pensonir  visa, in the list  at the embasy site. is there really one?

ddmcghee Yes, my husband and I got Pensioner visas, then residency as Pensioners.

Using the link posted above, you would choose Residence Visa, then Pensioner is listed as one of the types of Residency.


@planneri have a question for you please , as a Canadian im allowed to stay 3 month with out a visa , what will happen if i extend my stay 6 month when i leave at the airport,did anyone been in similar situation .


You only need to pay the overstay fees when leaving.


120 days.... 30 original then 120 day extension

Can be done online during the first 30 days


Please provide the link for applying for the extension and advise if there is any fee involved?


You could do this just as easily as I did............ … -tourists/


Thanks, so if I am reading this correctly you still will need to pay overstay fees based on the original 30 day tourist visa even if you apply for the 120 day extension.


@goinforit The difference is that the overstay is "preapproved" and prepaid when you get the extension. You are legally in the country during the extension.

There are a ton of threads on overstays and extensions. Let's continue any conversation in one of those and get this thread back on track!


Buenos dias amigos!

Follow-up question re: Pensioner Visa.

I see one of the requirements is the following:

"Certification from the government, official body or private company of foreign origin, where you provided your services, duly translated into Spanish by a judicial interpreter, with the apostille seal or legalized by the Dominican consulate of the country of origin of the document, as the case may be. Said certification must contain the general data of the applicant, time spent in the company, position held and the amount received as a pension."

I think I know what this means; however, can someone please clarify what this actually means as I do not want to assume.

Thank you y que tenga buen dia!


A letter from the source of your qualifying pension type income showing your data, their info and specifics about your earned pension.  Then translated and apostilized or legalized.


Planner!  Wonderful to see you back!!  thank you for the clarification.  I figured that is what it meant.

Hope your recovery is going well.



It's a real struggle honey but I have help!


Happy New Year all!!!

Of the following three visas: family reunification, pensionado, or investor, which is the "fastest" process?

I thank you all in advance for your assistance.

May your year be filled with love, joy, and fulfillment!


The "visa" process is similar for all three. 

The residency process is supposedly faster for investor based residency. I do not actually know if that is true!


Thank you.  You are the best!


If you can qualify for all three types, I would think that Family Reunification would be the most straightforward. I don't know about the fees for the visas, but the residency fees paid to Migracion and for your cedula are lower for Family Reunification residency vs. Pensioner.

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