The work culture in the USA

Hello everyone,

As an expatriate, working in the USA can present unique opportunities but also challenges. Discovering new communication styles, adapting to new cultural norms... working in the USA can be both exciting and confusing.

Share your experience to better understand the work culture in the USA and facilitate the professional adaptation of people who are wondering about it.

How would you define the work culture in the USA?

What was the most difficult thing for you when you started working?

What made the biggest impression on you?

How did you fit into your team?

Thank you for your contribution.

Mickael team

Share your experience to better understand the work culture in the USA and facilitate the professional adaptation of people who are wondering about it.

How would you define the work culture in the USA?

Work until you die! Take time off after you die. Are you asking for time off again?

What was the most difficult thing for you when you started working?

2 week vacation, 40 hours/week on paper, more like 50-60 in reality

What made the biggest impression on you?

Little mixing of professional and personal life. No co-workers trying to get their nose in your private business. This is a good thing!

How did you fit into your team?

Not well, at first. Too many cultural differences. But I came to appreciate the workplace in the U.S. for the reasons stated in previous answer.

Thank you for your contribution.

Thank you for the feedback, @NanaTerra

"Work until you die! Take time off after you die. Are you asking for time off again? "

That's not so cool, I must say ! Is there any way to have flexible time or maybe work from home ?

All the best


How would you define the work culture in the USA?

This is a very broad question as the type of work varies widely.  However, it is well known that the USA is based on capitalism and this means that workers must work hard enough to make sure that revenues exceed cost of producing goods.  There are jobs in industries that have very small margins - i.e. fast food, farmers, etc...- and the work culture is hard work.  Other industries that depend on innovation, the work culture favors creativity and improvement by finding new ways or scale.

I am afraid that responses to this question will vary widely as it will depend on point of view.  Can you please be more specific in the question?

Unfortunately, I must agree with NanaTerra. The expectations of you putting extra hours of work without time or monetary compensation is real.

How would you define the work culture in the USA?

What was the most difficult thing for you when you started working?

What made the biggest impression on you?

How did you fit into your team?

Thank you for your contribution.

Mickael team

I will attempt to present my view and most of the people that I know.

  1. Work culture - Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life. I have been pursuing my passion since I was 13 and I am always learning. I feel that I am creating more than I am working. Work hard and play hard is a good motto to live by.
  2. Most difficult thing - The first 3 months in any new job assignment as I need to prove myself to the team. I usually do well because I bring a different skill to the team but the team dynamic does change.
  3. Biggest impression - I can develop my passion in the USA and get rewarded for it - all without compromising my integrity.
  4. Fit in the team - Be the best team player to achieve the goals of the leader. Eventually, you will become the leader.