
Moving to England

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Heyaa,I'm thinking about moving to England to be with my boyfriend but all the research I did lead to only afew possibilities,if I was going for work or school....I cant afford to go to school and I have not gone to college so I can't prefind somewhere I could work. And the other is marrige but we arn't ready for that and it wouldnt work either way due to the fact both paties have to be 21 years or older and be able to live without help of any sort,and he does not have a job and is going to school. If there are any other ways of moving to England I'd really appreciate it....or any info maybe. Thank you so much!

See also

The UK Student visa Work visas in the United KingdomIndefinite Leave to RemainProfessional visas for the United KingdomSettlement in the UK

Without any education you would most likely not be able to get a working visa (as that is reserved for high-value or skilled employees). And as you said, marriage really isn't an option since he can't support you and you will be receiving no benefits at all. Studying in the UK is your best bet atm. But you have no money for that you say. Which is why you need to find work over there in the USA and start saving up.

As hard as it feels, there is nothing you can do about your situation at the moment. Moving somewhere else requires a lot of planning and money saving. Has your boyfriend thought about doing a year in the US in some exchange program?


He's going to school there atm and getting aid. So most likely not.



I have a situation like that.

my name is yenny I am from Panama, I have degree in logistics, I was working in DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING for 2 years and I want to be with my broyfriend, I need to have a job first before to apply for the VISA JOB or I can apply without job.


hi all wats de crac


The only thing you can really do is wait I'm afraid. It takes A LOT of planning to move to another country, and unfortunately the government doesn't make it easy. I was in your same situation. It's a lot of waiting around. And they don't let you just move there with no commitment.

I'm pretty sure you can remain in England for up to 6 months as a "tourist". Unfortunately, you won't be able to work, hold a bank account, or do other things that residents can.

If you can find an internship, you can get a BUNAC visa to live in England for 6 months. The downside is, most internships will be unpaid, so you'll have to save up beforehand. However, it gives you something on your resume if you do ever decide to get married and live in England.

As for your boyfriend, has he looked into different programs  to come to America? If he has summers off he should look into Camp America, where he would work at a summer camp. There might be a camp near you that he could get a job at and you can be together for the summer. Disney/Universal also have international student programs. I don't know where you are in the states, but even if you're not in California or Florida it would still be cheaper to visit him domestically rather than flying to England all the time.

I know it's not ideal, but that's unfortunately what happens when you fall for someone in another country. But if it's worth it, you'll make it happen!

Articles to help you in your expat project in England

All of England's guide articles