Precision Agriculture Specialist

Posted 8 months ago
32 Visits

In my previous role as an Agronomist. I played a pivotal role in implementing cutting-edge agronomic practices that significantly enhanced crop productivity. I led initiatives to optimize soil health, manage irrigation systems efficiently, and deploy precision farming techniques. My ability to analyze data and apply innovative solutions resulted in a marked improvement in overall crop quality and yield.

I am particularly attracted to Agronomist because of its commitment to sustainable agriculture and its reputation for innovation in the industry. Your focus on environmental stewardship and dedication to advancing agricultural technologies aligns perfectly with my professional values. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to a company that shares my vision for a more sustainable and productive future in agriculture


• preparing plans and schedules for planting and harvesting • Ensure Fertilizers, pesticides and other supplies are regularlyrestocked • scheduling repairs, maintenance and replacement of equipment and machinery • Analyzing existing projects operations, crops, and financial related requirements (Budgeting and accurate financial records) and recommending improvements.• Labour management and ensuring that the project(Rubber/Cinnamon/Coconuts) is profitable and meets projected targets. • Ensure implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of project deliverables with the team as per project design. • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders(labours/ Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, coconut research institute Sri lanka, Senior agriculture instructors) to ensure appropriate programming strategies are developed and refined for the target population.• Implement innovative farming techniques and develop feasible strategies.• Conducting planning sessions and the development of program strategies for the Labour and famers


Higher National Diploma in Agriculture Technology in Sri LankaInstitute of Advance Technology Education , SLIATE Naiwala, Sri Lanka(2016 – 2019 full time )• Coconut Cultivating and Management training at CoconutDevelopment Training Center Lunuwila, Sri Lanka in 2017• Export Agriculture Training at Export Agriculture TrainingCentre Abepussa, Sri Lanka in 2017• Certificate of Office applications course in Information andCommunication Technology Centre in Warakapola, Sri Lanka

Job offer details
What I am looking for
Permanent contract, Fixed-term contract
Working time
Full time
Salary range
USD 2000