General information about India

Get an overview of in India with general information to discover the country

Post-COVID-19 changes in India

India implemented strict travel restrictions, taking into account the growing number of COVID-19 cases every day. If you're ...

Discovering New Delhi

Managing your expectations before moving to a new city with an all-new culture can be a big help. Considering what will change ...

Adjusting to the local culture in New Delhi

Settling down in New Delhi, especially if you have never been to India before, can initially cause many culture shocks. It can be ...

Developing your social circle in New Delhi

New Delhi is home to a wide variety of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Everyone here has varied interests, so ...

Developing your professional network in New Delhi

Active networking is a key component for your business and career growth. It is about forming genuine professional relationships ...

The networking etiquette in New Delhi

Networking is an essential part of growing your career and organisation. It is about developing helpful, professional ...

Sometimes it is just hard

My husband embraced the thought of moving to India from the very moment the opportunity shone first light. And to be honest, he ...