Shopping and cooking like a local in Mauritius

Expat news
  • hanmon /
Published on 2021-05-27 at 10:36 by Nicola Richards
As an expat in Mauritius you may be thinking of new and creative ways to cook. With lockdowns giving you more time on your hands, why not shop and cook like a Mauritian? Here are some tips to try. Happy cooking!

Where to shop?

Port Louis Central Market

Gliding through the bustling, colourful markets in Port Louis, exchanging chit chat with some friendly locals and purchasing the freshest, reasonably priced fruits, vegetables and spices. What better way to shop?

The central market in Port Louis, just next to the main bus station is perfect for getting those Mauritian cooking essentials. You can pick a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and spices and choose how much you want and pay by weight. You get very reasonable prices at the markets as local people grow and sell there. It's also a great opportunity to try out something you've maybe never tried before. The Bredes Chouchou (a green leafy vegetable) is perfect for a healthy, vegetarian bouillon.

Local markets in the villages

You must have noticed the stalls displaying their beautiful, freshly cultivated fruits and vegetables along the roadsides in local villages and dotted alongside streets. These are perfect for picking up fresh local produce at an affordable price. Step outside your comfort zone and practice some  of the French or Creole you are learning to pick out your favourite fruit and vegetables.

Locals selling home produced spices

This is such a unique and great find! You can find locals (usually elderly) selling their homemade, hand grinded spices. In areas such as Chemin Grenier, close to Souillac in the South and many more coastal villages where you will see locals selling their spices at small shops so be sure to look out for them.

Let's talk about Mauritian cooking!

Since 1968 when Mauritius gained its independence, Mauritians have been cultivating and cooking with the freshest ingredients. With a focus on healthy eating using vegetables, beans and lentils to create wholesome meals.

So you've got your fabulous produce, let's get in the kitchen and cook like a Mauritian. What's great about Mauritian cooking is that it doesn't have to be complicated, you can create delicious dishes in just 10 minutes!

Here is one of the most famous and much loved recipes for Bredes Chouchou (a green leafy vegetable) vegetarian bouillon in just 10 minutes! So grab that Bredes Chouchou you just purchased at the Central Market in Port Louis and let's get cooking.

What you will need

Bredes Chouchou

Ginger and garlic paste


Dried Chilli (piment sec)

Salt and pepper


How to make

  1. First add vegetable oil in a pan medium heat, add chopped onion and ginger and garlic paste

  2. Add dried chilli and stir to roast

  3. Add Bredes Chouchou

  4. Add water, salt and pepper

  5. Cover and let it infuse for 5 minutes

  6. Stir and serve

A delicious, healthy bouillon to impress your friends and family, happy Mauritian cooking!