News highlight: Mauritius is the African AI leader

Expat news
Published on 2024-05-24 at 10:16
This week in Mauritius: AI leadership, equal opportunities, banking growth, and SIM card registration delay.

Mauritius: African leader in artificial intelligence

Mauritius continues to lead in Africa in the field of artificial intelligence, according to the latest Government AI Readiness Index 2023 by Oxford Insights. The country ranks 61st globally in AI readiness, evaluated across 193 countries. Oxford Insights assessed the integration of AI in public services based on data availability, government vision, and technology usage. With a combined score of 53.27, Mauritius leads in Africa, ahead of Egypt, South Africa, Tunisia, and Rwanda. Internationally, the top spots are held by the US, Singapore, and the UK. These rankings highlight Mauritius' efforts to adopt advanced technologies and implement AI-friendly policies, positioning it as a major player in AI on the continent.

New report on equal opportunities

The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has released its latest annual report, highlighting ongoing challenges in enforcing equal opportunity policies despite widespread adoption by employers. These policies are often seen as mere legal obligations with little impact on actual opportunities. The report particularly notes age discrimination, despite legal provisions against it. The EOC warns against exploiting age restriction exceptions, which harm individuals and deprive organizations of talent and experience. The report also addresses the difficulties faced by individuals with criminal records in finding employment, despite amendments to the equal opportunities law promoting non-discrimination in hiring. Public sector organizations received the highest number of discrimination complaints, underscoring the need for comprehensive solutions across all employment sectors in Mauritius.

Bank of Mauritius report: strong banking sector growth

Mauritius' banking sector showed robust growth in the first half of 2023, according to the Financial Stability Report by the Bank of Mauritius. Total sector assets reached a record Rs 2.3 billion in June 2023, marking a significant 9.4% annual increase. Loans and advances were the main growth drivers, rising 11.8% annually to Rs 1.1 billion. Deposits, the primary funding source, totaled Rs 1.7 billion after a 7.3% annual increase. The sector's balance sheet growth was mainly fueled by non-resident foreign currency assets, reflecting a positive trend in the current economic context.

SIM card registration case postponed

The Supreme Court trial challenging the mandatory registration of SIM cards, scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, has been postponed due to the Chief Judge's health-related unavailability. A notice was issued to the concerned parties, stating that a new date will be set later. In this case, attorney Pazhany Rengasamy contests the government's decision to require SIM card registration for the entire population, with deactivation pending a final judicial decision. Only one witness has testified so far.